Thursday, August 25, 2011

Breaking News Thurs. Aug. 25, 2011

 Here's another video from ActivistPost: The "LIE" of The Storm (Charlie McGrath Video)
Hope everyone is having a good week so far. Make sure to stop by and visit our friends RJ and the Ozarker at The Global Glass Onion, and Conflicted Doomer and tell them thank you!
good luck this coming weekend to everyone in the North East in the path of hurricane Irene.
Get your prep on!

DescemonaDespair: Fukushima robot operator writes tell-all blog, is silenced

Global Conflict
Haaretz: China announces support for Palestinian UN statehood bidSpecial Chinese envoy to the Middle East Wu Sike shares the news at a meeting with Palestinian leaders in Ramallah on Thursday.
WashingtonPost: U.S. diplomats try to work around South Africa to unfreeze funds for Libya rebels
BBC: UN warning over 12 million stateless people - Some 12 million people around the world do not have citizenship of any country, and are being denied basic human rights as a result, the UN has warned.
GuardianUK: Syrian forces beat up political cartoonist Ali Ferzat
Ferzat, who had become increasingly critical of Bashar al-Assad's regime, found bleeding at side of Damascus road
Alzajeera: Rebel head urges all Libyans to join revolt as rebels attack pro-Qaddafi Tripoli hideout
RT: Was the CIA behind the Gaddafi oust?
Time: Rebels Take Tripoli, but the Fighting May Be Far from Over
Post-Gazette: Libyan rebels put bounty on Gadhafi 
 A rebel fighter poses for a photo while lying on a couch framed by a mermaid statue with the face of Aisha Gadhaf, daughter of Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi, in her house in Tripoli.
CNN: Washington's battle over Syria 
UPI: Bounty offered for Gadhafi, dead or alive
CNN: Turkey funding Libyan rebels 
VOA: Libyan Opposition Ratchets Up Gadhafi Search

Hacker News
BradBlog: HACKED: Wisconsin State Elections Board Website
Wisconsin's old State Elections Board website ( appears to have been "hacked by Sovalye"...
TPM: Convicted Private Investigator Ordered To Name Names In Phone Hacking Scandal

Financial News
HuffingtonPost: Paul Krugman Impersonator Uses Google Plus To Make Stupid Arguments In Bad Faith 

CuriousCapitalist: Six lessons Japan can teach the West
Slate: Breaking the Bank - Bank of America: Could it fail and start another financial crisis?
ZeroHedge: Project Armageddon: Tullett Prebon "Thinks The Unthinkable"
NakedCapitalism: Bryce Covert: Recession Has Lit the Fuse on Explosive Student Debt - This week’s credit check: Average student debt can spiral up to $100,000 with interest and late payments. Room and board charges at colleges have doubled in actual dollars since 1982. It’s no great secret that student loan debt is exploding.
ConversableEconomist: Less Migration Within the United States
Slate: Breaking the Bank - Bank of America: Could it fail and start another financial crisis?
Mish: Reader Seeks Help/Advice on US Housing/Economy; How Far to THE Bottom?
TheTelegraph: Market crash 'could hit within weeks', warn bankers - A more severe crash than the one triggered by the collapse of Lehman Brothers could be on the way, according to alarm signals in the credit markets.
Delong: Economic Downturns, the Social-Darwinist Waltz, and the Navigation of the Starship Asgard
CuriousCapitalist: Let's Sell Japan Our Problems 
NakedCapitalism: Bombshell Admission of Failed Securitization Process in American Home Mortgage Servicing/LPS Lawsuit 
BusinessInsider: OUTRAGE OF THE DAY: Do You Realize That The Government Is Still Paying Banks Not To Lend...?
SmirkiingChimp: Wars bankrupting the American
Delong: Economic Downturns, the Social-Darwinist Waltz, and the Navigation of the Starship Asgard 
BusinessInsider: Mini Fight Breaks Out At A Memorial Service As A NY Fed Official And The NY Ag Go At It Over A Foreclosure Settlement
CuriousCapitalist: Let's Sell Japan Our Problems
CBSnews: Deficit "super committee" gets to work
Zerohedge: Steve Jobs Resigns As CEO Of Apple, Tim Cook Named CEO 
NakedCapitalism: Bombshell Admission of Failed Securitization Process in American Home Mortgage Servicing/LPS Lawsuit
NakedCapitalism: Auerback/Parenteau: Jackson Hole will be a Black Hole for Those Hoping for QE3 - Those leading the charge for “fiscal consolidation” now seem positively shocked by the violent gyrations in the stock market, as expectations rapidly seem to be shifting toward an “L” shaped recovery or worse – a possible global recession. To those of us on this blog who have consistently downplayed the prospects of global recovery in the midst of widespread private sector AND public sector retrenchment, none of this sadly comes as a surprise. 
CalculatedRisk: Possible Housing Proposals: New Refinance Plan and Rental Program - From the NY Times: U.S. May Back Refinance Plan for Mortgages: One proposal would allow millions of homeowners with government-backed mortgages to refinance them at today’s lower interest rates, about 4 percent, according to two people briefed on the administration’s discussions .
CuriousCapitalist: Six lessons Japan can teach the West 
MyBudget360: Middle class retirement now largely a postcard fantasy How Wall Street fabricated a buy and hold fairytale and jumped ship with taxpayer golden parachutes. Did baby boomers think about who they would be selling those 401k and pension stocks to?
Politico: CBO warns of 'profound' challenges 
Time: To Save the Housing Market, Tear Down Houses
BusinessInsider: Congressional Budget Office Issues New GDP Forecast—Way More Bullish Than Wall Street
NYT: China Faces Obstacles in Bid to Rebalance Its Economy
SeattleTimes: CBO: Deficits to decline — if tax cuts expire - The federal budget deficit will continue at historically high levels, hitting $1.3 trillion in fiscal 2011, congressional budget analysts said Wednesday.
GlobeandMail: France targets rich with tax hikes
Spiegel: Market Chaos 'Potentially Dangerous for Humanity'
Caing: Bank of China Preparing for Global Reach Club - An international committee that ranks 'systematically important' financial institutions may get its first Chinese member
EconoMonitor: New Orders For Durable Goods Rise, But Business Spending Slumps

Peak oil and Energy News
Hosted: International oil higher on supply concerns 
Bloomberg: U.S. to Slash Marcellus Shale Gas Estimate 80%

ZeroHedge: And There's Your Perfectly Leaked Explanation: CME Hikes Gold Margins, Again, This Time By 27%
SFGate: Gold price drops $104
MineWeb: Gold to Roubini: $21,500 Ker-Pow!
Squint hard enough at the Nasdaq Bubble, and apparently you can see the future of gold ... but then it's a question of timing and interpretation!
CNNMoney: Gold sinks 5% as stimulus hopes wane
TheGlobeandMail: Chavez nationalizes all gold mines in Venezuela 
MineWeb: The upside for gold and silver will knock your socks off - Embry
With no easy solutions to the globe's debt problems visible, Sprott Asset Management's John Embry expects gold and silver to be significant beneficiaries but the road ahead will not be easy. 

Environmental News
ExtinctionProtocol: U.S. East coast prepares for close brush with Hurricane Irene

Hosted: Federal charges filed in massive Arizona wildfire
Federal charges have been filed against two cousins accused of causing the largest forest fire in Arizona's history.
CNN: Climate change may contribute to civil wars
CNN: Flood victims stranded in Pakistan - Floods in northwest Pakistan have claimed more than 30 lives, as a riverbank overflowed during recent heavy rains, police said.
CNN: Washington Monument closed indefinitely after rare earthquake
ABCNews: Hurricane Irene: Where is the Storm Headed Next? 
Statesman: State electric grid strains amid record heat; Austin breaks 86-year-old record
Grist: Here’s the video that will convince you to go to the tar-sands protests
Grist: Taste of things to come: Texas drought to shut down power plants
TransitionVoice: How I learned to start worrying and hate the tar sands pipeline
McClatchy: Plant nurseries wither in recession
The trend is striking independent plant nurseries like caterpillars on cabbage: A combination of lingering recession, pressure from big box stores and back-to-back wet springs has swept countless small nurseries into a sea of debt the last four years.
ExtinctionProtocol: 6.2 earthquake strikes region of Vanuatu- third large quake strike in 4 days
Grist: Public opinion on climate just tipped
A number of Texas power plants may need to cut back operations or shut down completely if the state’s severe drought continues into the fall, an official with Texas’ main transmission manager told FuelFix.
Permaculture: A Woodland Awakening - The Importance of Trees
BBC: Sun storms 'could be more disruptive within decades'
TheGlobeandMail: Oil-tainted Nigeria weary of Shell, government blame game  
StateofNorthCarolina: EO 103: Declaring a State of Emergency

America in Decline
TruthFrequencyNews: VIDEO: Chris Geo arrested by Homeland Security For Standing On His 4th Amendment Right

Today I was arrested by DHS for “failing to comply with a federal officer” when he asked for my identification during an illegal search and seizure. Homeland security has a manual for dealing with people filming federal buildings. The manual clearly states “IT IS NOT ILLEGAL TO FILM THE EXTERIOR OF A FEDERAL BUILDING” and “CONTACT IS VOLUNTARY AND NOT A DETENTION”. Not to mention that there is no federal, state or local law requiring you to “show your papers” which is a fundamental constitutional right.
MotherJones: Anti-Immigrant Activist Warns of Obama Plot to End "White America"
Is President Obama allowing millions of Central Americans to live in the United States illegally as part of his secret plan to destroy "White America"? According to William Gheen of the group Americans For Legal Immigration, the answer is a resounding "yes." Gheen told a conservative talk radio show earlier this week that if things don't improve under "Dictator Obama," patriotic Americans may resort to possibly violent, "revolutionary means." (Gheen, as Media Matters pointed out, has been a frequent presence on Fox News and at tea party rallies). Here's what Gheen told talk show host Janet Mefferd: 
InTheseTimes: Fighting the Firings -- When the current wave of mass firings of immigrant workers started three years ago, they were called “silent raids” in the press. The phrase makes firings seem more humane than the workplace raids of the Bush administration. During Bush’s eight-year tenure, posses of black-uniformed immigration agents, waving submachine guns, invaded factories across the country and rounded up workers for deportations. “Silent raids,” by contrast, have relied on cooperation between employers and immigration officials. The Department of Homeland Security identifies workers it says have no legal immigration status. Employers then fire them. The silence, then, is the absence of the armed men in black. To paraphrase Woody Guthrie, they used to rob workers of their jobs with a gun. Now they do it with a fountain pen. Silence also describes the lack of outcry on behalf of those workers losing their jobs. No delegations of immigrant rights activists have traveled to Washington D.C. to protest. Unions have said little, even as their own members were fired.. Those working feared losing their jobs. Those already fired worried that immigration agents might come knocking on their doors at night.
Bloomberg: The Slow Disappearance of the American Working Man - A smaller share of men have jobs today than at any time since World War II
CBSNews: Dick Cheney writes in his book that he urged Bush to bomb Syria
OurFuture: Rich Guy "Deeply Resents" Helping Pay For Democracy

Food and Water
Reuters: Fruitful gains for farmers markets - More Americans are buying locally grown food and new farmers markets are sprouting throughout the country.
tcktcktck: WWF: Living waters essential for Living Cities - It is projected that 70 percent of the world’s population will live in urban areas by 2050. Many social, economic and environmental challenges are related to rapid urbanization and sustainable future cities. To sustain such an urbanized society and economy, from a water perspective, clearly we will need more facilities to provide clean drinking water, to collect and treat waste water, and to provide sanitation services.

Science and Technology
EnertyBulletin: An Elegy for the Age of Space

USAToday: Unmanned Russian supply ship for space station crashes in Siberia
NewScientist: Software 'journalists' pump out stories in seconds 
Technology: Power-Scavenging Batteries - Inexpensive chips harvest mechanical energy to charge batteries for wireless sensors.
TheTelegraph: Russian space ship crashes - A Russian space station supply ship has crashed with a thunderous boom into Siberia minutes after launch, prompting concerns at Nasa and other space agencies over the wisdom of abandoning the US shuttle programme.

Medical and Health
MotherJones: The Most Painful Sting in the World
CNN: Diabetes, Alzheimer's Link Further Defined
ABCNews: Overuse of Antibiotics May Cause Long-Term Harm
While antibiotics have certainly benefited many in myriad ways, an overuse of antibiotics may be changing our entire bacterial makeup, says Dr. Martin Blaser, chairman of the department of medicine at New York University Langone Medical Center.
AZCentral: Survey: Employers consider ending health coverage
HealthZone: Lou Gehrig’s disease
Scientists discover new cause for ALS

Doomsteading, Gardening, Urban Farming
PermacultureUK: Grounds for Hope - Ways to Live Legally on Cheap Land in the UK: Grounds for Hope is the result of years of research by Chrissie Sugden into the options for people wanting to live legally on land without formal planning permission.
CanadianDoomer: Commercialism, Etc.

Other News
Forbes: 'Jewish Indiana Jones' Faces Fraud Charges - A Maryland rabbi who called himself the “Jewish Indiana Jones”–telling derring-do tales of rescuing Torahs hidden during the Holocaust–was charged today with criminal fraud. The U.S. Attorney’s Office in New York said Menachem Youlus made it all up, swindling a charity he co-founded and its donors.
Reuters: Analysis: Why Goldman's Blankfein tapped a big-time lawyer
LibertyStreetEconomics: Are Charter Schools Draining Private School Enrollment?  
TruthOut: Jason Leopold | Former Counterterrorism Czar Accuses Tenet, Other CIA Officials of Cover-Up

Reuters: Dick Cheney had secret resignation letter - Former Vice President Dick Cheney signed a secret resignation letter shortly after taking office in 2001 and kept it in a safe, according to an excerpt of an NBC interview released on Wednesday.
WashingtonPost: Cheney says his memoir will rock Washington
Former vice president Dick Cheney told NBC’s Dateline that his memoir will be so candid “there are gonna be heads exploding all over Washington.’’
MotherJones: On Immigration, Will Rick Perry Throw the Tea Party Under the Bus?
PoliticalTicker: Romney faces rowdy town hall crowd 
CNN: 100+ CEOs promise no campaign donations 
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- You know who's really mad at Washington? Corporate America.Led by Howard Schultz of Starbucks (SBUX, Fortune 500), more than 100 CEOs have signed a pledge to halt all political campaign contributions until lawmakers, as Schultz puts it, "stop the partisan gridlock in Washington, D.C."
WSJ: My Response To Buffett And Obama - Before you ask for more tax money from me, raise the $2.2 trillion you already collect each year more fairly and spend it more wisely.
ThinkProgress: Koch Responds To Buffett: ‘My Business And Non-Profit Investments Are Much More Beneficial To Society’
RawReplay: GOP lawmaker has Democrats’ cameras seized at town hall - Security guards seized the cameras and cell phones of several Democrats at a “town hall” meeting featuring Rep. Steve Chabot (R-OH) Monday.
While media organizations were allowed to record the event, a security guard collected recoding devices from certain audience members “to protect the privacy of constituents,” according to a Chabot spokesman.

The Forums
TinfoilPalace:The Alchemical Revolution is Here...the Golden Age Has Begun
TinfoilPalace:Globalists Extermination List Exposed (Infowars Special Report)
TheOilAge:New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman Walking Dead Man
TheOilAge:9/11 figure Zelikow poses Libya as a "model"
Hubberts-Arms:The Earth is Groaning
Hubberts-Arms:“We are in the Midst of an Epochal Tectonic Shift” - F William Engdahl
SilentCountry: Market crash 'could hit within weeks', warn bankers
SilentCountry:Gadhafi and Condi Sitting in a Tree....

1 comment:

  1. I notice this and it's true they are watching you raping your privacy and they who ever they are need to sit in jail a while!
