Thanks to RJ at Global Glass Onion and the Ozarker at Conflicted Doomer, for their contributions and help. Be sure to check out their great blogs today!.
Here's some pretty big news. And it's about time! Of course, if they can't drive...someone will have to escort them to the polls. One step at a time I suppose.
AlArabiya: Saudi King Abdullah gives women right to vote, run in municipal elections
Reuters: UPDATE 1-Saudi women given right to vote - Saudi Arabia will allow women to stand for election and vote, the king announced on Sunday, in a significant policy shift in the conservative Islamic kingdowm.
ClimteProgress: Fukushima Surprise: Radioactive Rice “Far Exceeding” Safe Levels Found in Japan
Global Conflict
CNN: Dozens arrested in 8th day of 'Occupy Wall Street' protests
NakedCapitalism: Welcome to the Police State: NYC Cops Mace Peaceful Protestors Against Wall Street
I’m beginning to wonder whether the right to assemble is effectively dead in the US. No one who is a wage slave (which is the overwhelming majority of the population) can afford to have an arrest record, even a misdemeanor, in this age of short job tenures and rising use of background checks.Zerohedge: Up AGainST THe WaLL STReeT
NationofChange: "This is Just Practice: The Story of The Wall Stree Occupation
WashingtonPost: 80 arrested as ‘Occupy Wall Street’ protest of bank bailouts, mortgage crisis marches in NYC
DailyBail: MUST SEE RAW VIDEO - Peaceful Female Protesters Penned And Maced By Police At Wall Street Occupation
CNN: Yemeni president returns home
MSNBC: Yemeni leader makes no pledge to step down - Latest violence has raised the fear of a descent into an all-out civil war
AlArabiya: Thousands in Morocco demonstrate for major political reform
MSNBC: NYPD chief: We could take down plane if necessary - Counter-terror measures to be used only in a 'very extreme situation,' commissioner says
The New York Police Department could take down a plane if necessary, Commissioner Ray Kelly said Sunday, describing the counter-terror measures he implemented after the Sept. 11 attacks.
Guardian: Israel to pay family compensation over killing of Palestinian girl - Abir Aramin, 10, was killed by a rubber bullet fired by an Israeli border policeman as she went to buy sweets in 2007
BBC: Afghanistan: 'One dead in Kabul CIA station' attack - At least one attacker has reportedly been killed after gunfire and explosions were heard at a compound believed to house the CIA station in the Afghan capital, Kabul.
NYT:Turkey: U.S. to Supply Drones
CNN: Libya transitional council believes mass grave found
MSNBC: Pentagon to help defend cyber networks - The Pentagon is extending a pilot program to help protect U.S. defense contractors against cyberattacks
CNN: U.N. Security Council to debate Palestinian state
TheTelegraph: Dumped in the desert ... Gaddafi’s yellowcake stockpile
A rebel fighter among the yellowcake drums in the warehouse near the city of Sabha. The stockpile was abandoned and unguarded Photo: DAVID ROSE
Guardian: Yemeni president makes call for peace but bloodshed continues in Sana'a - Ali Abdullah Saleh offers early elections for a transfer of power as 18 unarmed protestors are killed by government troops Forbes: Hezbollah leader could get military tribunal in US
CNN: Police find decapitated body of Mexico newspaper editor - The editor of a Mexican newspaper was found dead, her body decapitated and with a note next to it, officials said.
ZeroHedge: New York Police Mace, Brutalize and Arrest Peaceful Wall Street Protesters
Time: Peace Hopes Grim as Abbas, Netanyahu Clash at U.N.
ABCNews: Hikers Return to the U.S. After Two Years in Iranian Prison
USAToday: Abbas declares 'Palestinian Spring'
BlackListedNews: Bill Clinton: Netanyahu isn't interested in Mideast peace deal
WSJ: Unrest on Rise as China Booms
AlJazeera: Arrests follow Bulgarian riots - Troops patrol streets of Katu Nitsa after death of teenager sparked ethnic clashes.
CBSNews: Libyans find grave said to hold remains of 1,200
Bloomberg: Peace No Closer as Netanyahu, Abbas Emerge Unscathed at UN
BBC: No end in sight to Russia's era of Vladimir Putin
CBSNews: Obama boxed-in on next Mideast move
DiscoveryNews: Somali Pirates Ready for Renewed Raiding Season
NPR: Amid Protests, Bahrain Votes With U.S. Blessing
Hacker News
AlJazeera: Online activists hack official Syrian sites - Several government websites defaced by Anonymous, as crackdown on protests in Homs and elsewhere continues.
NYT: WikiLeaks’ Founder, in a Gilded British Cage
Financial News
ZeroHedge: Roubini and Soros Say The U.S. Already in A Double Dip Recession and Warn of Uprising
VOA: Web Site Shows Extent of Forced Labor Used to Make Everyday Products
Barrons: Bad Week? Not Here - Despite central banks' best efforts, foreign-exchange specialist John Taylor of FX Concepts thinks the euro is headed sharply lower and the dollar will gain.
NPR: Defense Leaders Make The Case Against Budget Cuts
TheGlobeandMail: Spectre of 1937 'double dip' hangs over divided policy makers
IPEZone: QE3 'Treason': Tales of Print & Hang Bernanke
SHTFPlan: Nigel Farage: Financial “Cataclysm” To Come, Gold to Unimaginable Levels
BusinessInsider: Family-Owned Construction Company Is Eating Losses Rather Than Fire One Of Its 4,300 Employees
MacroMarketMusings: Stephen Colbert's Solution to Global Economic Woes - Stephen Colbert invokes his inner Keynesian spirit to propose a plan to end the Eurozone crisis and and revive the U.S. economy at the same time.
Bloomberg: Visa, MasterCard to Raise Small-Purchase Fees, Analyst Says
TheGlobeandMail: Bernanke’s Twist turns the screws on already battered pension funds
TruthOut: Shutdown Closer as Senate Blocks Spending Bill
Krugman: Faith in the free market
MSNBC: Upside of economic worries: Lower gas prices - Relief is likely to spread thanks to a sharp decline in crude-oil prices
NYT: A Little Inflation Can Be a Dangerous Thing
NakedCapitalism: Guest Post: Obama Thinks that High Unemployment Is Okay – Unwise for Government to Spur Hiring
EconoMonitor: Europe: Why the One-Size-Fits-All Solution Won’t Work
WashingtonPost: Even if Congress passes entire Obama jobs plan, economists say high jobless rate will linger
YahooFinance: Bank lobby rejects reopening of Greek rescue deal - Head of bank lobbying group rejects push for Greece's private investors to take larger losses
NakedCapitalism: Marriner Eccles on the Need to Save the Rich from Themselves
NYT: U.S. Pushes Europe to Act With Force on Debt Crisis
Bloomberg: IMF’s Resources May Not Be Enough If Global Economy Worsens, Lagarde Says
Zerohedge: Five Banks Account For 96% Of The $250 Trillion In Outstanding US Derivative Exposure; Is Morgan Stanley Sitting On An FX Derivative Time Bomb?
LoHud: New York struggles to bridge $80 billion chasm for infrastructure needs
AddictingInfo: Once More, a European Conflict Threatens the World
Cryptogon: IMF May Need Bailout
Forbes: Where Jobs Will Be Lost In 2012
NewInt: Should there be a maximum wage?
Forbes: The True Cost of Net Neutrality
EconomicCollapseBlog: The Federal Reserve Plans To Identify “Key Bloggers” And Monitor Billions Of Conversations About The Fed On Facebook, Twitter, Forums And Blogs
BusinessInsider: HOLY CRAP: Apple Just Cut iPad Orders By 25%
Apple has cut iPad orders from its Asian supply-chain partners by 25%, JP Morgan analysts say (via Bloomberg).
The analysts say "several" of Apple's supply-chain partners have reported this cut, which has come in the last two weeks. It is the first such cut that JP Morgan analysts have ever seen.
TheTelegraph: Christine Lagarde: IMF may need billions in extra funding - Christine Lagarde has signalled that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) may have to tap its members – including Britain – for billions of pounds of extra funding to stem the European debt crisis.
TheTelegraph: Does being ugly make you poor? - What kind of world would deny people opportunities, money, even happiness, simply because of the way they look? The one we’re living in.
HuffingtonPost: Can Europe Be Spared Cascading Collapse?
Bloomberg: Merkel Says Greece Needs ‘Barrier’ to Stave Off Default
MoneyControl: Greece vows to stay in the euro, never go bankrupt
WSJ: Congress Forced to Stay as a Shutdown Looms
BlackListedNews: Decline and fall of just about everyone
Guardian: 'Massive jobs shortfall' predicted for global economy - International Labour Organisation said the group of developing and developed nations had seen 20m jobs disappear since the financial crisis in 2008
McClatchy: Does Texas lead U.S. in lower taxes?
TheHill: Buffett has replaced Soros as Republicans' billionaire boogeyman
BaselineScenerio: Will The IMF Save The World?
WSJ: China Rebuffs Hopes for Bailout
InnovationandGrowth: Bad Decade for Male College Grads
In terms of real earnings, male college graduates were absolutely pounded, taking a 9.7% decline in real pay from 2000-2010 (that’s bachelor’s only). Meanwhile female college grads saw no decline at all in real earnings. (we’re looking here at the real mean earnings of full-time workers 25 years and over).
BusinessInsider: DYLAN RATIGAN: Americans Are Blocked From Their Government By A Wall Of Money
Peak oil and Energy News
TheOilDrum: IEO 2011: A Misleadingly Optimistic Energy Forecast by the EIA
EnergyBulletin: Ignoring Daniel Yergin
CalculatedRisk: Update on Gasoline Prices - From Reuters: U.S. gasoline prices slide; more to come-survey The average price for a gallon of gasoline in the United States tumbled 12.23 cents in the past two weeks and appeared poised to drop even more as crude oil prices weaken, the nationwide Lundberg survey showed on Sunday. The national average price was $3.5446 on Sept. 23, down from $3.67 two weeks ago ...
EnergyandCapital: Global Resource Crunch - I want to make this as simple as possible. The world is in for a serious resource crunch. That stark reality may be lost on you as we trudge through the other problems that have come to dominate day-to-day American life. It's also a hard concept to grasp when dealing with so much data and propaganda. Today, let's throw all the reserve data out the window. We're not going to talk about shale salvation. We're not going to look at our supposed hundred-year supply of coal. Instead, let's look at just one country: China — and how its growing appetite will affect natural resources in the very near future. For this exercise, you only need to know one thing: By 2035, income per person in China will reach the current U.S. level. If they spend that money like we do, here's how the resource picture will look in about twenty years' time.
ZeroHedge: Guest Post: Forget Gold—What Matters Is Copper
BusinessInsider: Shanghai Gold Exchange Hikes Silver Margin By 20%
Wondering what caused the dramatic plunge in gold and silver earlier?SHTFPlan: Tightening the Noose: France Bans Cash Sales of Gold/Silver over $600
Wonder no more: the CME's counterpart in China, the Shanghai Gold Exchange, decided to follow through with an identical, if more substantial, action to that undertaken by the CME on Friday, and announced an increase in the Silver T+D contract margin from 15% to 18%, a 20% bump; the SGE also noted an increase in the price range limit from 12% to 15%, which will be promptly fulfilled, as margin hikes traditionally tend to lead to a sudden spike in vol, contrary to well-meaning expectations.
RawStory: China launches gold vending machine
Environmental News
AccuWeather: Summery UK Warmth Coming Back this Week - Warmth far more fitting of July than the last of September will spread over the UK this week.
Temperatures will soar as many as 10 degrees C above normal, with Wednesday through Friday being warmest for the UK as a whole. Historical record highs could be reached.
NPR: The New Standoff: Clean-Car Jobs Vs. Disaster Relief
TheTelegraph: Massive spinning column of water forms over Lake Michigan
Grist: Strong public support for EPA efforts to reduce carbon emissions
ExtinctionProtocol: Storm system break-out over the world’s oceans
MSNBC: Biologists celebrate comeback of endangered ferret - Huge strides in recovery three decades after species was believed extinct
SkepticalScience: Ocean Heat Content And The Importance Of The Deep Ocean EPA: N.J. needs $8B fix to antiquated sewer systems
Sandbags are piled in an attempt to block sewage pipes in Jersey City along the Hackensack River. A sign warning people about the sewage flowing into the water is also in place.
DesdemonaDespair: Salination, drought threaten Iraq date palm industry – ‘All attempts are in vain’
Grist: Even the Bush administration wouldn’t touch tar-sands oil
DesdemonaDespair: Arizona drought conditions to deepen through winter
AlJazeera: 'We are running out of time' - The use of toxic mining methods in the Andean Mountains is endangering all around it.
America in Decline
McClatchy: A glimpse at the high pay for children's hospital CEOs - Most CEOs at the largest and richest children's hospitals are paid more than $1 million in salary and benefits annually, an analysis of hospital tax records shows.
TruthOut: Class Warfare My Ass
TheTelegraph: Once prosperous New Yorkers forced to live under canvas in New Jersey woodsThe white picket fence and manicured flowerbeds outside 1 Paradise Lane are straight from a picture postcard of idyllic suburban American life in the 1950s.
CnnMoney: Poverty pervades the suburbs
TheChronicle: Fear of Repression Spurs Scholars and Activists to Build Alternate Internets
Mcall: Inside Amazon's warehouse - Lehigh Valley workers tell of brutal heat, dizzying pace at online retailer.
ChrisMartenson: Daily Digest 9/24 - Fed Will Shift Debt Holdings, TX Drought Slideshow, Could Social Unrest Hit America's Streets?
Economist: Cottoning on - The West’s relative decline is inevitable but the East’s rise will still be troublesome
MLive: Another View: Why wage war against the working poor?
LATimes: FBI probing reports of beatings in L.A. County jails
Federal agents sneaked a cellphone into Men's Central Jail as part of their investigation of misconduct, sources say.
24/7WallSt.: States Losing the Most Jobs to China
Food and Water
ScientificAmerican: Insight: Chasing High Corn Prices, U.S. Farmers Skip Rotations
Farmer Brian Schaumburg has planted corn for five straight years in some of the thousands of acres he tends in central Illinois.
Farmers who eschew crop rotations that help to replenish the soil with nutrients take a risk that yields will decline. But corn prices soared to a record earlier this year, making so-called corn-on-corn crops a worthwhile bet for many farmers in Illinois, the No. 2 U.S. corn state after Iowa.
BigPictureAgriculture: One Example of a Vermont Farm Destroyed by Hurricane Irene's Flooding
WSJ: Soybeans Take a Back Seat to Corn
Science and Technology
CNN: With 'real-time' apps, Facebook is always watching
MSNBC: Fight or flight: How the nose knows what to do - Scientists identify receptors in animals' noses that react to specific scents
ScientificAmerican: How Life Arose on Earth, and How a Singularity Might Bring It Down
An organism’s lifespan is proportional to the 1/4 power of its mass, its heart rate goes as the –1/4 power of its mass, so the total number of heart beats is independent of mass—a universal value of about a billion beats for all of us. Use them wisely.
West said he sees a recurring historical pattern: the pace of life accelerates, reaches a breaking point, and precipitates a major transition—a “singularity”—in which new technology or ways of doing things offer some respite. It doesn’t last long before things pick up again, faster than ever. Over time, the acceleration accelerates. Transitions come faster and furiouser. Sustainability is elusive. We’re basically all screwed.CBSNews: Schumer: OnStar invades privacy
TheChart: TEDMED: Fixing the brain with super glue
BlacklistedNews: Internet Hits All-Time High as News Source, TV at All-Time Low, Says Pew
ScientificAmerican: Remains of Satellite May Never Be Found, NASA Says - A six-tonne NASAscience satellite crashed to Earth on Saturday, leaving amystery about where a tonne of space debris may have landed.
IntelDaily: Dangerous Knowledge: Four Exceptional Mathematicians’ Dance with Insanity
KurzweilAI: Nanoantenna separates colors of light
UPI: Sen. Hutchison blasts FCC net neutrality
FutureOfTech: Battery tech improving as demand soars
Medical and Health
Rian: Almost 10,000 people infected with dengue fever in Pakistan
MSNBC: FDA says cantaloupe recall widens to include Kansas firm
MSNBC: New book explores the mysteries of southpaws - How do we explain that through the centuries, all over the world, there has always been a consistent left-handed minority of people of around 10 percent? Author Rik Smits attempts to answer this question in his new book "The Puzzle of Left-handedness."
DailyKos: The glory of a health care system free from government
Time: With Bed Bugs, the Cure May Be Worse Than the Disease
NPR: Kids' Sugar Cravings Might Be Biological
Reuters: Creepy-crawlies may help heal diabetes wounds - Researchers from Hawaii have a suggestion for how to jump-start the healing of difficult diabetic wounds: let maggots do the work.
SOTT: Get Saturated: Four Reasons Saturated Fat is Healthy
RealitySandwich: The FDA Strikes Again - Dietary supplements have been under attack for many years, and the DSHEA has always protected them. Thanks to the 1994 law passed by Bill Clinton, the FDA stopped treating supplement companies stopped like criminals.
New rules are being developed that would make it almost impossible for small companies to meet the standards. Some of the requirements would involve safety testing at levels many times higher than what any human would actually take. Critics believe this is a ploy to ban low cost supplements and turn them into expensive drugs that big pharma would then sell.
MetroUK: Drinking three pints a week cuts asthma risk - After a hard day at work, many people like to relax with a quiet pint or the odd glass of wine with colleagues and, aside from the social element, scientists have found that moderate drinking can reduce the risk of developing asthma.
MSNBC: Cocaine Use Dips Amid Poor Economy: Report
MetroUK: Eel removed from man's bladder after entering penis during beauty spa - An erratic eel wriggled its way up a man's penis and into his bladder following an accident during an unorthodox beauty spa treatment in China.
Doomsteading, Gardening, Urban Farming
WikiHow: How to Feed Cattle
ModernSurvivalBlog: We Are Doomed!
Grist: The bee’s knees: DIY honey craze sweeps New York
Other News
BBC: Amnesty International report finds clerical sex abuse was 'torture' - A report from Amnesty International has said the abuse of children by priests and church-run institutions in Ireland amounted to torture.
MSNBC: Call them the Dead E-Scrolls: Ancient documents go digital
CBSNews: Hells Angel boss dead in casino shootout
Wikihow: How to Stop Running Away from Yourself
RawStory: Spanish matadors slay bulls for last time in Catalonia
IBTimes: Doritos Creator Arch West Dead at 97, to be Buried With ChipsGuardianUK: Ketchup killing proves sauce of fun for Brazilian town - Cheated wife sees red after would-be contract killer fakes hit with ketchup after finding out target was a friend, say Bahia police
TheLocal: Three policemen kill themselves on same day - three police officers in the Paris area committed suicide on Thursday, all within a few hours of each other.
Reuters: After 3 years, Boeing Dreamliner becomes reality - Boeing's long-awaited dream machine became a commercial reality on Sunday when the lightweight plastic-composites 787 Dreamliner was formally delivered to it
ScientificAmerican: Texas Threatens Shutdown of College Physics Programs for Low Graduation Rates - Undergraduate programmes face termination unless graduation rates improve.
CNN: Controversy erupts over Campus Republicans bake sale plans - During the sale, scheduled for Tuesday, baked goods will be sold to white men for $2.00, Asian men for $1.50, Latino men for $1.00, black men for $0.75 and Native American men for $0.25. All women will get $0.25 off those prices.
Salon: Are white liberals abandoning the president? - A Nation writer worries that an "insidious form of racism" explains their criticism of Obama. I don't see evidence
RawStory: Shuster slams Fox News debate moderators for ‘inane questions’
AlterNet: How the Modern GOP Is Like a Death Cult - Contemporary conservatism has surrendered to a virulent, dystopian, and pathologically hyper-individualist state of nature.
CSMonnitor: Rick Perry's 'heart' comment shows GOP's immigration problem - Rick Perry is under fire for his comment about those who oppose in-state tuition for the children of illegal immigrants. But immigration is a complicated issue for a governor whose border with Mexico is more than 1,200 miles long.
KansasCityStar: Has "crony capitalism" tainted Perry's campaign for president?
Politico: Can this Congress do anything right?
FDL: GOP Keeps Letting Their Masks Slip
NYMag: In Praise of Extremism - The election is still thirteen months away, but in certain coastal circles, the quadrennial wailing has erupted right on schedule: “If that man gets in the White House, I’m moving out of the country!” This time that man is Rick Perry, who might have been computer-generated to check every box in a shrill liberal fund-raising letter: a gun-toting, Bible-thumping, anti-government death-penalty absolutist from Texas. And this time the liberals’ panic is not entirely over-the-top. Perry isn’t a novelty nut job like Michele Bachmann. He’s the real deal.
TheNation: The Funding Standoff and the GOP's Refusal to Learn From Hurricane Katrina
NYT: Flood Victims Getting Fed Up With Congress
The Forums
TinfoilPalace:The Next Phase of Internet Censorship Has BegunTinfoilPalace:Wall St Mocks Protestors by Drinking Champagne & Partying
TheOilAge:Occupy Wall Street
TheOilAge:How 1 MILLION Pounds Of Organic Food Can Be Produced On 3ac
Hubberts-Arms:Don't look now (PM's are crashing)
Hubberts-Arms:"Zombie Graveyard" in West of Ireland.
SilentCountry:Evidence suggests La Nina will return this winter
SilentCountry:Year's Swelling Hog Prices Drive Porcine Crime Wave
Excellent edition p.a.turner :¬)
ReplyDeletethank you very much e Brutto!
ReplyDeleteit has something for everyone doesn't it! LOL
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