Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Breaking News Tues. Sept. 13, 2011

Another beautiful day here in Pamland! Hope you all are having a good day as well.

As always, thanks to RJ  at Global Glass Onion and  the Ozarker at Conflicted Doomer,  for their contributions and help. Be sure to check out their great blogs today!. And don't forget to visit the forums linked at the bottom of this post.

Thanks to RJ for the following story.
TPM: Tea Party Debate Audience Cheers Idea Of Letting Sick Man Without Insurance Die (VIDEO) - The last two Republican presidential debates have been some of the most macabre on record. Last time around, at the Reagan Library, the crowd gave the biggest applause of the night to the 234 executions that have occurred in Texas while Rick Perry was governor. In Tampa, Florida at the CNN/Tea Party Express debate Monday night, the tea party-filled audience literally cheered aloud for the uninsured to be allowed to die. The moment came during an exchange between moderator Wolf Blitzer and Ron Paul, whose libertarian views often make for good theater at Republican debates. Blitzer asked if under Paul’s libertarian philosophy, a sick man without insurance should be allowed to die in the hospital rather than have the state pay his medical bills. Before Paul could answer that question, shouts of “yes!” and cheering bubbled up from the audience. Watch:

What have we become? Monsters.

theAtlantic: Japan Earthquake: Six Months Later

Global Conflict
BBC: Afghan gunfight: Explosions and firing rock Kabul - Bombs and gunfire have rocked the centre of the Afghan capital Kabul, police say.
Hosted: Gunmen attack school van in Pakistan; 5 dead 
Reuters: Gunmen kill 22 Shi'ite Iraqi pilgrims: police - Gunmen killed 22 Iraqi Shi'ite pilgrims in an ambush in the Sunni heartland province of Anbar on Monday, a police official said.

SeattlePI: Jordan's king says Arab Spring bad for Israel 
Reuters: Arabs to push for Palestinian statehood bid
CBSNews: Taliban lays seige to Afghan capital
NPR: Rockets Fired Toward U.S. Embassy In Afghanistan
MotherJones: Missing: Tons of US-Supplied Nuclear Weapons Material
MSNBC: Iran president: US hikers Shane Bauer and Josh Fattal to be freed ‘in a couple of days’
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says alleged spies will be released on ‘humanitarian’ grounds
UPI: Gadhafi loyalists attack oil refinery

Hacker News
Guardian: Phone hacking: mother of 7/7 victim to sue News of the World publisher
High court judge to take Sheila Henry's case as one of the lead actions over phone hacking at the former tabloid

Financial News
BusinessInsider: ROUBINI: If We Don't Have Massive New Stimulus We're Going To Have Another Great Depression 
DetroitNews: FBI warns online shoppers of auto sale scams
BusinessInsider: The Fallout Has Begun Over Bernie Sanders' Release Of Confidential Trading Data
Politico: How the rich blew up the banks
Today: Living paycheck to paycheck, or worse 
MSNBC: Business economists turn pessimistic amid uncertainty - Widely watched survey shows economists lowering their growth forecasts 

Reuters: Fisher says Fed can do little now to spur economy - There is little the Federal Reserve can do at this point to help a U.S. economic recovery battered by problems at home and abroad, a top Fed official said on Monday, adding that he believes it is it incumbent on politicians to attack fiscal problems. 
theHill: Obama proposes tax hikes on wealthy to pay for $447B jobs bill
BusinessInsider: Here's The Wall Street Journal Article That Has Everyone In Europe Freaked Out This Morning
Gallup: There's About To Be A Global Battle For Good Jobs
The world will be led with economic force -- a force that is primarily driven by job creation and quality GDP growth, says Gallup's chairman
Telegraph: OECD: UK has more jobless teenagers than Slovenia - More teenagers in the UK are out of work and without a college place than in most other developed nations, according to international data published today.
BusinessInsider: Looking Again At The Dreaded US-Japan Bear Market Analog
NewsNEconomics: The European debt crisis in charts 
NFIB: Small Business Confidence Takes Huge Hit in August - Optimism Index Now in Decline for Six Months Running
YahooFinance: Greece Default Risk Jumps to 98%
DallasFed: Economic Letter—Insights from the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 
GlobeandMail: What a Greek default would look like 
BusinessInsider: Cheap Oil, Cheap Money And Our Culture Of Debt And Speculation 
MiddleClassPoliticalEconomist: Increase in Uninsured Rate Shows Need for Action on Jobs  
BusinessInsider: How To Trade The Euro When You Have No Idea What Happens Next
REVEALED: Why Consumers Are So Depressed About The US Economy
GlobeandMail: China's interest in Italian debt is purely business
HuffingtonPost: Barney Frank Working On Legislation To Overhaul The Federal Reserve 
NYT: U.S. Spending Billions on Rural Jobs, but Impact Is Uncertain

Peak oil and Energy News
Platts: Leadership spots filled at new US offshore drilling agencies
Spiegel: Can Business As Usual Continue? - Accident Highlights Safety Concerns in France
Platts: Libya, Syria and the oil market
LAT: U.S. motorists may spend a record $491 billion for gasoline this year - Even though gas prices are well below their all-time highs in 2008, this year's average is running higher than for that year. The causes are expensive oil and increased exports of refined fuels, experts say.
YahooNews: Oil rises on expected drop in supplies
CNNMoney: OPEC cuts oil production and demand outlook

DataDiary: Copper Is Falling -- Can Gold Keep The Faith?
Bloomberg: Gold May Climb to $2,500 in the Next Year, Citigroup Says

Environmental News
Env-Econ: Not seeing the forest for the trees?
Independent: Coral reefs 'will be gone by end of the century'
They will be the first entire ecosystem to be destroyed by human activity, says top UN scientist
HuffingtonPost: An Oily Tide Washes in With Gulf Storms
VOA: French Nuclear Explosion Raises Safety Concerns in France
IReport: Bloomsburg, PA Flood Photos
CNN: Police to investigate flooding deaths of nearly 100 animals at Petco
MSNBC: World environment programs may lose US aid - Operators fear Congress to target money for foreign aid and international conservation  
MSNBC: Wayward penguin 'Happy Feet' missing in action - Researchers say signal from satellite tracker on big bird has fallen silent
Cincinati.com: Solar panels cause flap - Neighbor complains they block her view on Newport's Wiedemann Hill
MSNBC: Red Cross: Irene "Spread Us Thin"

America in Decline
DeclineoftheEmpire: America Is A Plutonomy
OpEd: Chris Hedges: A Decade After 9/11: We Are What We Loathe
Census: Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2010
MSNBC: Census: US incomes fell in 2010 as poverty rate rose

Food and Water
Grist: Scary Food: Not your grandma’s milk
DOL: Who Picked Your Berries?
StuttgartDailyLeader: All Arkansas counties declared agricultural natural disaster areas 
CJOnline: Corn-farming veteran: 'As bad as I've seen' 
Grist: It’s raining chemicals 
BusinessWeek: Attack of the Superweed

Science and Technology
BBC: Skynet seeks to crowdsource the stars
Idle home computers are being sought to help search through mountains of astronomical data.
Wired: Flying the Police Aircraft of the Future
NPR: Newly Discovered Planet: Hot, Muggy And (Maybe) Liveable
CNN: How many pages are on the internet?
MSNBC: Fifty new alien worlds revealed 
VancouverSun: U.S. rocket lifts off with satellites to probe moon

Medical and Health
BBC: 'Wi-fi refugees' shelter in West Virginia mountains
Dozens of Americans who claim to have been made ill by wi-fi and mobile phones have flocked to the town of Green Bank, West Virginia
There are five billion mobile phone subscriptions worldwide and advances in wireless technology make it increasingly difficult to escape the influence of mobile devices. But while most Americans seem to embrace continuous connectivity, some believe it's making them physically ill.
IBTimes: Men are ‘Biologically Wired’ to Children, Says Study 
CNN: Insulin may help treat Alzheimer's
USFoodPolicy: USDA tackles 6 additional strains of E. coli
MSNBC: Older pills often safer but many think new is better - 4 in 10 wrongly believe the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approves only 'extremely effective' drugs, survey finds
MSNBC: Spiders! Ants! Did that make you itchy? Here's why
NYT: Dying man has new lease of life after his immune system is trained to kill cancer
'I feel normal, like I did 10 years before I was diagnosed ...This clinical trial saved my life'

Doomsteading, Gardening, Urban Farming
PermacultureUK: How to build a rocket stove
BeforeitsNews: Saving Copper Pennies as an Investment
BeforeitsNews: 3 Strange Survival Items You Should Carry… (All-The-Time!)

Other News
Reuters: Baby suckles directly from cow for milk - An 18-month-old Cambodian boy who has suckled milk directly from a cow daily for more than a month is in fine health, the child's grandfather said.
Reuters: Woman bites elderly man in "vampire" attack - A Florida woman who allegedly claimed to be a vampire has been charged with battery after violently biting a man in a wheelchair on his face and arms, police said on Friday.
After arriving at the scene, police said they found Smith bloody and half-naked nearby, but that she had no memory of what happened and did not identify herself as a vampire, St. Petersburg Police spokesman Mike Puetz said.
MiamiHerald: Abuse victims seek int'l court case against pope
THE HAGUE, Netherlands -- Clergy sex abuse victims upset that no high-ranking Roman Catholic leaders have been prosecuted for sheltering guilty priests brought their claims Tuesday to the International Criminal Court, seeking an investigation of the pope and top Vatican cardinals for possible crimes against humanity.
NPR: Extreme Tidying Up 
CNN: Bystanders pull motorcycle driver trapped under burning car
CNN: Is Social Security a 'Ponzi scheme'?
BeforeitsNews: Dick Cheney Warns Of Israeli Preemptive Strike On Iran

DailyBeast: Republicanism As Religion
Star-Telegram: Perry guarantees seniors that their Social Security benefits will remain intact
ThinkProgress: Scorched Earth Strategy: Perry Wants to Bring All America the Texas Miracle, Firefighters Paying for Gear, Engine Fuel
BusinessInsider: SHE'S BACK! Palin Gushes Over Bachmann, Slams Perry For 'Crony Capitalism'
MotherJones: WATCH: Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Republican Robots [Saunders Cartoon]

The Forums
TinfoilPalace:Evidence of Revision
TinfoilPalace:The Complete 9-11 Conspiracy Story in Less than Five Minutes
TheOilAge:Interesting Read From Natural News
TheOilAge:Arctic sea ice in record retreat 
Hubberts-Arms:Physicist detects movement of macromolecules engineered into our food
Hubberts-Arms:Markets rally as Italy seeks help from China amid heightened fears of Greek debt
SilentCountry:Egyptians ransack Isreali embassy
SilentCountry:The Original Egg-Bot Kit 

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