Let's start the day with some supreme creepiness.
check this out.
RawStory: Jeb Bush to lead for-profit disaster response company
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) managed several hurricanes and natural disasters during his two terms as the state's executive, but now he is preparing to respond to storms from the helm of a for-profit company instead of from within the governor's mansion.
There's just something "unhealthy" sounding about a Bush running a disaster management company.
Thanks to our dear friends RJ at Global Glass Onion and the Ozarker at Conflicted Doomer, for their contributions and help. Be sure to check out their blogs today and don't forget to visit the forums linked at the bottom of this post!.
Oh, and I hope you'll permit a grandma a bit of bragging but my grandson started his own Etsy shop and is selling his artwork! He's been painting these amazing space paintings with spray paint and needs to sell some work so he can buy more spray paint. LOL
Here's a link to his shop. Aaronsspace.
I'm so proud of the boy, and look how handsome he is!
Cryptogon: Japanese Government to Invite Foreigners Who Have Large Facebook and Twitter Networks to Tohoku So That They Can Tell Their Followers “Japan Is Safe”
NakedCapitalims: Guest Post: Will Tokyo Be Evacuated Due to Fukushima Radiation? - Tokyo Radiation Exceeds Chernobyl In Some Places … Japanese Government and Experts Discuss Evacuation As I noted last month, radiation in some parts of Tokyo is higher than in the Chernobyl exclusion zone. Yesterday, Al Jazeera pointed out: Experts estimate the radiation leaked from Fukushima nuclear plant will exceed that of Chernobyl. The need to evacuate parts of the sprawling capital of 35 million may have once seemed an incredible prospect but some experts say the possibility can no longer be ignored. (video) Indeed, as Japan Times reports today, the Japanese government started discussing the potential need to evacuate Japan soon after the quake hit: In the days immediately after the crisis began at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, the government received a report saying 30 million residents in the Tokyo metropolitan area would have to be evacuated in a worst-case scenario, former Prime Minister Naoto Kan revealed in a recent interview.
NYT: Japan: Progress at Damaged Nuclear Plants
Global Conflict
TPM: Romney Demands US Cut Aid To Palestinians
FDL: Live Blog for OccupyWallStreet: Day Four, NYPD Attack Camp for Putting Up a Tarp
NYT: Wall Street Protests Continue, With at Least 6 Arrested
AsiaTimes: Obama prepares to punish Pakistan - The Barack Obama administration is making an extraordinary bid with the United States Congress to get the seven-year old embargo on military aid to Uzbekistan lifted poste-haste this month.
NYT: Tumult of Arab Spring Prompts Worries in Washington
Reuters: Explosion kills 3, wounds 15 in Turkish capital
Time: How the War on Terrorism Did Russia a Favor
NYT: U.S. Is Quietly Getting Ready for Syria Without Assad
Reuters: Shelling rocks Yemen capital on third day of violence
MSNBC: Yemen deadly street battles escalate, forcing civilians to flee capital - At least 60 people have died in three days as anti-regime protesters step up campaign to topple president
VOA: Netanyahu Calls for Direct Talks with Abbas in New York
Financial News
MotherJones: Chart of the Day: Tax Increases Still Popular
TheGuardian: The truth about 'class war' in America - Republicans claim, in Orwellian fashion, that Obama's millionaire tax is 'class war'. The reality is that the super-rich won the war
HuffingtonPost: Obama: Americans must pay fair share to cut deficit
StraitsTimes: Frenchwoman gets 13 euro tax bill 60 years after grandfather's death
CNNMoney: 40% of consumers slash spending
NakedCapitalism: Hidden Cost of Greece, Euro Crisis: Suicides
WSJ: Senate Approves $500 Billion Increase in Borrowing Authority
BBC: Airlines profits to drop 29% in 2012, global body says
Reuters: US banks need headcount machete, not pocket knife-CLSA's Mayo - US banks need more drastic measures when it comes to cuts - Mayo
HuffingtonPost: Endgame for the Euro
RawReplay: Paul Ryan supports plan to let unemployed work for free - Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) isn’t a fan of President Barack Obama’s American Jobs Act, but he does like the idea of allowing people who are receiving unemployment benefits to work for free.
BusinessInsider: Sorry, But The Republican Arguments Against A "Millionaire's Tax" Are Just Preposterous
TheHill: Obama to propose $3T in cuts, threaten to veto tax cuts for wealthy
CalculatedRisk: Residential Remodeling Index at new high in July
BusinessInsider: U.S. Restaurant Visits Decline After Three Straight Positive Quarters
NYT: It’s a Beer Recession
Slate: How To Prevent a Depression - Eight drastic policy measures necessary to prevent global economic collapse. None of them will be popular.
MSNBC: Europe braces for impact of Greek default
Gallup: Three Years After Crisis, Little Sign of Economic Relief in U.S.
Economic confidence and consumer spending stuck in ranges seen in 2009
YahooFinance: Greek creditor talks to continue Tuesday
Greek creditor talks end without decision on return of inspectors, to continue Tuesday
NCTimes: HOUSING: The bigger the loan, the longer to foreclose
TheIndependent: Italy's credit rating downgraded
CNBC: Italy's Debt Downgraded by S&P; Outlook Still Negative
CNBC: Greek Default Could Tip US Into Recession
WSJ: Only Advanced-Degree Holders See Wage Gains
Reuters: Why we’re in the dark about the mortgage market
BusinessInsider: The 10 Countries That Are Trying To Be The Next China - "Sourcing goods in China purely because of ultra-low costs is a thing of the past,” said KPMG's Nick Debnam.
RobertReich: A Good Fight - So the really big fight — perhaps the defining battle of 2012 — won’t be over Medicare. It won’t even be over Obama’s jobs program. It will be over whether the rich should pay more taxes.
Forbes: How Can China Save Europe When It's Defaulting On Its Own Debt?
NakedCapitalism: The Very Important and of Course Blacklisted BIS Paper About the Crisis
TheEconomist: A sorry story of American trade - WHEN experts try to ferret out the causes of America’s lost decade, international trade is often cast as the villain. It may in fact be the victim.
CreditWritedowns: Roubini: "Greece should default and abandon the euro"
Reuters: Greece to default but not leave euro zone-Fitch - Greece will probably default but will not leave the euro zone, Fitch credit ratings agency said on Tuesday, as pressure increased on the Greek government to push through with fiscal reforms.
Reuters: SEC probes trading before U.S. rating cut: report - Securities regulators have sent subpoenas to hedge funds and other trading firms as it probes possible insider trading before the U.S. government's long-term credit rating was cut last month, the Wall Street Journal said, citing people familiar with the matter.
BusinessInsider: SHOCKER! Remember That European Bank Stress Test? It Used Meaningless Data
Peak oil and Energy News
Bloomberg: Yanbu Cement Says Production Line to Be Delayed on Fuel Shortage
Yanbu Cement, a Saudi Arabian cement maker, said that a production line scheduled to open by the end of this month will be delayed because of a lack of oil and natural gas needed to power its output.
Bloomberg: OPEC’s $1 Trillion Cash Quiets Poor on Longest Ever $100 Oil
CNBC: Oil Price Fall Driven by 'Speculation': OPEC
IBTimes: Political and Legal Issues Remains a Drag on Iraqi Oil Industry
Environmental News
MSNBC: Italian scientists on trial for failing to warn before L'Aquila earthquake
MSNBC: '100-feet tall' flames: Blasts rock oil rig in Oklahoma - Witness reports 'explosions with huge flashes'; several homes evacuated - WATONGA, Okla. — An oil rig exploded in Oklahoma late Monday, authorities said.
Beth Massey of the Blaine County Sheriff's Department said a perimeter was established around the site near Watonga, about 80 miles northwest of Oklahoma City.
NYT: China Shuts Solar Panel Factory After Anti-Pollution Protests - BEIJING — The authorities have suspended production at a solar panel factory in eastern China following protests by residents who blame the plant for fouling the local air and water, a government Web site said on Monday.
Dateline: Fracked Off! - "I want them to come here and see what we're going through Why don't we have the right to clean water?"
TheOilDrum: Thoughts on a Sustainable Human Ecosystem
CNN: Earthquakes rattle Guatemala, kill at least 1
BBC: Shale gas 'worse than coal' for climate
LegtitGov: Save seals from deaths by toxic fumes
ExtinctionProtocol: Pakistan flooding death-toll rises to 347- half a million homeless
CNN: 1 million urged to flee as typhoon bears down on Japan
UPI: Study: Oceans can level global warming
America in Decline
Slate: Young, Poor, and Desperate - The poverty crisis is devastating young Americans. Here's what the president can do about it.
CNN: Faces of poverty: Millions of people are living in poverty and barely getting by, depending on government assistance. Here's what they're doing to survive.
Cryptogon: Solution for Oahu’s Slums: Move Homeless to Mainland?
TruthOut: Middle-Class Death Watch: As Poverty Spreads, 28 Percent of Americans Fall Out of Middle Class
TheAtlantic: Map: U.S. Ranks Near Bottom on Income Inequality
ScientificAmerican: Recent Blackout Highlights Nation's Aging Electricity Grid - Major power outages have more than doubled in the last decade
YahooNews: Obama's Postal Service plan would cut Saturday mail
Food and Water
Philly.com: Picking markets: Some local farmers discover hidden costs of selling wholesale
ClimateProgress: Global Food Prices Stuck Near Record High Levels
MSNBC: 4 dead in cantaloupe listeria outbreak CDC: Death toll could rise as germ lingers
Science and Technology
IBTimes: Who Killed the Dinosaurs? Not This Asteroid, According to NASA
GizMag: MIT's affordable housing project builds first prototype in China
NASA: The Secret Lives of Solar Flares
CNN: New Intel chip runs on solar power
Medical and Health
PopSci: Germans Manufacture Artificial Blood Vessels With a 3-D Printer
SOTT: California Bans Unvaccinated Children from Class
(it's been that way in TN for years and years. I didn't know there was anyplace that would still accept children into school, if they hadn't had their vaccinations)
ExtinctionProtocol: 4 deaths in U.S. blamed on rare bacterial produce outbreak
USAToday: Medicare premiums drop, enrollment rises in health care law
MSNBC: Eat, drink and be sleepy with these surprising natural remedies - Need some shut-eye? The solution could be as close as your kitchen
Doomsteading, Gardening, Urban Farming
PreparednessPro: Why This Woman Carries a Firearm
Other News
Thanks to Matt Cardin at The Teeming Brain for the following story.
TheAgeAU: Bad to the bone - Are some children just born evil? Michelle Griffin reports.
MotherJones: Don't Ask, Don't Tell is History
CBSNews: FBI: Violent crimes fall for 4th year in row
BeforeItsNews: NASA Announces 'Forbidden Zones'...On Moon!
AlJazeera: Revolutionising India's trafficked girls - While some NGOs may be content to rescue trafficked girls, Kranti seeks to transform them into the leaders of tomorrow.
PlanetGreen: Man Sues White Castle Because the Booths Are Too Small - Regular White Castle customer flaming mad over undersized seats.
Boston.com: A glimpse of North Korea
RawReplay: Bachmann on ‘pray the gay away’: Thought it was ‘pray away the grey’
CBSNews: Michele Bachmann says tax breaks should replace employer health plans
The Forums
TinfoilPalace:PETA Launches Porn Site to Promote Animal Rights
TinfoilPalace:The CIA Really Wants to Make Hollywood’s Next Blockbuster
TheOilAge:WH OPENLY Discussing Powerdown
TheOilAge:Egyptian-Turkish Axis is Coming!
Hubberts-Arms:Day of Rage More Like a Day of Whimper
Hubberts-Arms:The Hospital Gestapo: You May Never See Home Again
SilentCountry: Breitbart: We have all the guns
SilentCountry:Farmers flee as world's deadliest volcano rumbles
re: the jeb bush for profit disaster response company...
ReplyDeletenow you know why the house cut FEMAs disaster relief funding...come next tornado, you'll have to pay jeb for help...
good grief RJ, that makes an awful lot of sense now.
ReplyDeletewhat monstrous creatures they are.