Monday, October 17, 2011

Breaking News Mon. Oct. 17, 2011

Well, here we go with another week! Hope everyone had a great weekend.
This morning, hub sent me this story.
Good grief. Some things are just too pitiful to even comment on.
ABC2: Group is promoting "Jesus Ween" instead of Halloween
Going to post a bit early today, I have to go do some chores.
Thanks to RJ  at Global Glass Onion and  the Ozarker at Conflicted Doomer,  for their contributions and help. Be sure to check out their great blogs today!.

Global Conflict
Close Your Bank Account and Get Arrested!  
Telegraph: US 'to announce full withdrawal of troops from Iraq' - Washington is all but certain to abandon plans to keep several thousand US troops in Iraq beyond the end of the year, terminating its deployment nearly nine years after the invasion to topple Saddam Hussein.
SaudiNewsToday: Iran's former president warns of possible US attack
ConsortiumNews: Petraeus’s CIA Fuels Iran Murder Plot
WSJ: Iran, Saudi Arabia Tensions Spur Fears of a Proxy War  
CNN: Iran willing to look at Saudi plot evidence, minister says
GlobeAndMail: Arab leaders choose dialogue over suspending Syria from League
BlacklistedNews: Corporate-Fascists Clamor for Iran War
MSNBC: Inside Wall Street Protesters' Supply Room  
IBTimes: Glenn Beck Says Occupy Wall Street is a Communist Plot to Collapse U.S. Economy 
NYT: Buoyed by Wall St. Protests, Rallies Sweep the Globe
Telegraph:  John McCain warns Barack Obama of miring US in an African war - President Barack Obama's plan to send 100 military troops to Uganda risks miring the United States in another protracted war, a top Republican politician warned on Sunday.
TomDispatch: Tomgram: Nick Turse, Mapping America's Shadowy Drone Wars 
RawStory: U.S. military denies decision to quit Iraq after 2011 
WarIsACrime: What Ever Happened to Women and Children First?
Corrente: NYPD using strobing flashlights to interfere with cellphone cams? 
Cryptogon: Meet the Guy Who Snitched on Occupy Wall Street to the FBI and NYPDThe Occupy Wall Street protests have been going on for a month. And it seems the FBI and NYPD have had help tracking protesters’ moves thanks to a conservative computer security expert who gained access to one of the group’s internal mailing lists, and then handed over information on the group’s plans to authorities and corporations targeted by protesters.
Economix: Storming the Capitalist Castle - Wall Street is not literally a castle, and the small green space of Zuccotti Park claimed by Occupy Wall Street may soon be emptied. But an upstart movement has spray-painted a new slogan onto the ramparts of the economic establishment. “We Are the 99 Percent” effectively publicizes a message consistent with research on the distribution of income and wealth: the top 1 percent of households in the United States represents an economic aristocracy.
YahooNews: Occupy Wall Street shows muscle, raises $300K
Disinfo: Glenn Beck: Occupy Protesters ‘Will Come For You and Drag You Into the Streets and Kill You’
SFGate: Yemen: Al-Awlaki's son among dead in US airstrike
ExtinctionProtocol: Strategy to survive 1st round strike by U.S.- 3000 miles of secret tunnels hide China’s nuclear weapons
ExtinctionProtocol: The Last Crusade: protests and demonstrations against greed goes global
Reuters: Iran demands access to accused U.S. plotter - Iran demanded consular access on Sunday to a man held in the United States over a suspected plot to kill the Saudi ambassador and vowed to respond robustly to any "inappropriate measure" by the West.
TheGuardian: Occupy Wall Street assault: lawyer demands action on policeman's punch
Johnny Cardona, the deputy inspector at centre of allegation by Felix Rivera Pitre, is believed to have been caught on video dishing out rough treatment to another New York protester

Financial News
BuzzFlash: The Rich Say the Funniest Things: Laughing Until You Die of Hunger
Zerohedge: US "Pours Cold Water" On IMF Expansion Plans, Leaves European Bailout To Europeans
USAToday: 'Retirement Heist' compiles evidence of plundered pensions
Forbes: Obama Should Have Bailed Out The Middle Class
NYT: Amazon Signs Up Authors, Writing Publishers Out of Deal 
TheTelegraph: Europe's lost decade as $7 trillion loan crunch looms - Europe’s banks face a $7 trillion lending contraction to bring their balance sheets in line with the US and Japan, threatening to trap the region in a credit crunch and chronic depression for a decade.
NakedCapitalism: Rob Parenteau: Blinded by Faith Sinking the Eurozone
By Rob Parenteau, CFA, sole proprietor of MacroStrategy Edge, editor of The Richebacher Letter, and a research associate of The Levy Economics Institute 

NYT: Wall Street Loses Its Immunity - Krugman - The modern lords of finance look at the protesters and ask, Don’t they understand what we’ve done for the U.S. economy?  The answer is: yes, many of the protesters do understand what Wall Street and more generally the nation’s economic elite have done for us. And that’s why they’re protesting. 

Cryptogon: Geithner: U.S. to Play ‘Very Major Role’ In Helping Europe
The U.S. plans on being an active partner as efforts intensify to get Europe get back on its feet financially, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner told CNBC Friday.
YahooFinance: Wells Fargo 3rd-quarter profit jumps 21 percent
Wells Fargo posts 21 percent jump in 3rd-quarter profit on lower charge-offs, deposit increase 
TheTelegraphUK: Household bills - Energy prices: 70pc of consumers will use credit to pay their gas and electric bills
Seven in ten consumers will need to turn to their savings, credit cards or overdraft to fund rising energy bills according to new figures from
BusinessInsider: BRUTAL: Cain Struggles To Defend 9-9-9 Plan, Admits Some Poor People Will Pay More Taxes
MacroMarketMusing: Since When is the Fed Doing its Job Considered Going Nuclear? - Joe Weisenthal is reporting that Goldman Sachs has come out in favor of the Fed adopting a nominal GDP level target that would put it back on its long-run, pre-crisis trend. This endorsement speaks to the growing interest and recognition of nominal GDP level targeting by the public. Even some Fed officials are speaking in favor of it.  Great news. What is remarkable to me is that many observers in this debate describe the adoption of nominal GDP level targeting as the Fed going nuclear. 
NakedCapitalism: From QE to Communism -  Zero interest rate policy and quantitative easing is not working to stimulate the real economy. No country has succeeded. The pioneer of quantitative easing, the Bank of Japan, failed (and Japanese yen is uber-strong). The Federal Reserve has failed, and the Bank of England has failed.Before going to quantitative easing, let’s consider whether zero interest rate policy (ZIRP) works. Michael Pettis offered some interesting observations recently in his newsletter. He says that even though theory reckons that lowering interest rates should make people less likely to save, and to consume more, empirical data suggest the otherwise.
Reuters: Lowe's closes stores, slashes new store plan - Lowe's Cos Inc (LOW.N) said on Monday it is closing 20 of its U.S. stores, eliminating nearly 2,000 jobs, and the home improvement retailer now plans to open far fewer locations in the future, citing the need to improve its profitability.
OCA: Looking to Save Money, More Places Decide to Stop Fluoridating the Water
CreditWritedowns: China's Dwindling Trade Surplus Signals Weak World Economy
Robert Reich:  (The Rise of the Regressive Right and the Reawakening of America): Rather than conserve the economy, these regressives want to resurrect the classical economics of the 1920s — the view that economic downturns are best addressed by doing nothing until the “rot” is purged out of the system (as Andrew Mellon so decorously put it). In truth, if they had their way we’d be back in the late nineteenth century — before the federal income tax, antitrust laws, the pure food and drug act, and the Federal Reserve.

Peak oil and Energy News
TheOilDrum: Tech Talk - The Future Production from Canadian Oil Sand

Mineweb: Gold could go lower than anyone expects but then set for incredible opportunity
QE3 is going to make QE1 and QE2 seem like a little prelude and will set up a moon shot for precious metals and junior mining companies says Edward Karr. Gold Report interview.
Mineweb: China's gold output rises 6% in Aug, peaks at 31.89 - World's biggest gold producer, China, produced 31.89 tonnes of gold in August, which was a 6% increase from the previous month.

Environmental News 14 Shamans Murdered in Peru
Protestant Sect Members Suspected: The prosecutor’s office of Alto Amazonas province stated that the alleged murders were carried out by a man known locally at the “witch hunter,” at the behest of his brother, the mayor of the town of Balsa Puerto. A Peruvian government adviser and expert on Amazon cultures alleges that both are members of a Protestant sect that claims shamans are possessed by demons and must be eliminated. The Peruvian Times reports that the shamans had been planning to form an association to share their knowledge.
MSNBC: Perry slashed environmental enforcement in Texas - Texas governor has made state one of the most industry-friendly states in the U.S.
TheGuardian: Energy firms' profits per customer rise 733%, says Ofgem - Energy regulator proposes 'radical reform' of energy market and simpler tariffs as it reveals net margin for typical customers has risen from £15 in June to £125 in October
AlterNet: Bombshell: State Department Outsourced Tar Sands Pipeline Environmental Impact Study to 'Major' TransCanada Contractor
WashingtonPost: Obama allies’ interests collide over Keystone pipeline
WashingtonPost: Historic drought killing trees across Texas, changing landscape for years to come
CNN: 'Living' buildings could inhale city carbon emissions 
CNN: Thailand flooding: Fear brings people together
WBIR: Food shortages for bears in the Smokies, more cubs rescued - The leaves are changing in the Smokies, but the oak trees have yet to produce what these bears need to survive. "There is a need for food," said Blount County resident Jeanie Hilten.
ExtinctionProtocol: Growing tension along Cascadia subduction zone: Washington rattled by series of tremors
ExtinctionProtocol: SE Queensland pummeled by severe hailstorm and damaging winds
Forbes: Wall Street's New Nightmare: The Next Wave Of Mortgage-Backed Securities Claims
ScientificAmerican: Disaster's Aftermath: Assessing Hurricane Irene's Damage
Scientists from some of the areas hardest hit have now had time to evaluate the storm's dramatic geologic effects on their home states
CNN: Dozens killed as heavy rains hammer Central America
Zerohedge: "Internet Killed The Radio Store" - Mall Vacancies Hit All Time Record 
Bloomberg: Germany Shoots Down ‘Dreams’ of Swift Crisis Solution

America in Decline
DeclineoftheEmpire: The Demonization Of Elizabeth Warren
UPI: Health News - Americans economizing to pay health bills
CNN: Porn hackers hit 'Sesame Street' YouTube page 
Cryptogon: U.S. Government Refuses FOIA Request to Turn Over ‘Secret’ Interpretation of Patriot Act
SHTFPlan: Startling Survey: Americans Are Struggling More Than Chinese to Put Food On The Table
SOTT: US, Maryland: TSA Agent Charged With Child Porn
BlacklistedNews: Police cite privacy concerns over their own DNA
NationOfChange: Big Oil: $135 Million - School Children: 0 -- Led by Valero Energy Corp., one of the nation’s largest petro-dealers, at least 16 huge refiners are trying to poke a lucrative loophole into the state’s tax laws.
NewsTribune: The lost platoon - The lax oversight of a Joint Base Lewis-McChord Stryker unit in Afghanistan allowed mischief, misconduct and murder, an investigation shows.

Food and Water
BlackListedNews: Study: FDA allowed oil-tainted seafood onto market

Science and Technology
CassandraLegacy: I believe it because it is absurd  - Climate scientist Hans Schellnhuber is threatened with a noose while giving a lecture. (link to the video).  Are scientists our new enemies, the target of a new crusade? 
CNNMoney: A very different kind of dish network - Thanks to a new satellite blasting into space this week, broadband access in rural America and southern Canada is about to get a lot better.
BBC: FBI’s DNA database upgrade plans come under fire

Cryptogon: 115-Year-Old Electric Car Gets Same 40 Miles Per Charge as Chevy Volt
ScientificAmerican: The Trouble with Armor
The steel plates worn by medieval soldiers may have led to their wearers' demise

Medical and Health
IBTimes: 23-Year-Old Woman Appears to Have Aged Decades in a Few Days [PHOTOS]
Doctors and researchers across the globe have been baffled by a medical condition that transformed the appearance of a 23-year-old Vietnamese woman into that of a 50-year-old within a few days.
Psypost: Psychopathic killers: Computerized text analysis uncovers the word patterns of a predator
USAToday: 1 in 6 cellphones have traces of fecal E. coli
M&C: Parents should watch for signs of kids' internet addiction
WHO: Malaria Report - According to the World Malaria Report 2010, there were 225 million cases of malaria and an estimated 781 000 deaths in 2009, a decrease from 233 million cases and 985 000 deaths in 2000.
PostGazette: Plug pulled on part of health care law
CNN: Hundreds die in encephalitis outbreak 
CNN: Low birth weight linked to autism
M&C: Report: Haiti cholera death rate jumps
IBTimes: Drugs May Slow Aging Process, Extend Life to 150 Years
NaturalNews: Vitamins are deadly? Media hoax exposed, part two

Doomsteading, Gardening, Urban Farming
ModernSurvivalBlog: Five Benefits of Parachute Cord
ContainerGardening: Hanging Bottle gardening – Part 2 (ThePocketPcMan)
CSMonitor: Homemade baby wipes: Worth the effort?
There are several options when it comes to baby wipes. Which is the cheapest? Store-bought? Homemade? Cloth rags?
SOTT: What Happened to Downtime? The Extinction of Deep Thinking & Sacred Space

Other News
Reuters: Oklahoma prison riot quelled, dozens hurt - Inmates from California held in a private prison in western Oklahoma rioted on Tuesday in a melee that injured dozens of prisoners, some of them critically, authorities said.
Mike Machak, spokesman for Capital Corporation of America, the Tennessee-based company that owns the prison, said the company had brought guards from other facilities in the region to help.
CNN: Kansas City bishop indicted on child endangerment charge
TheTelegraph: 'Cannibal' fear over German tourist - Investigators into the death of a German yachtsman have not ruled out the possibility he was eaten by cannibals after he stopped off on an idyllic island during a sailing tour of the Pacific Ocean.
ReligionDispatches: God Dissolves into the Occupy Movement - A Revealing Roundtable on the Role of Religion in the Occupy Movement
CNN: 3 women in Zimbabwe charged in series of sex attacks on men
Watch Ruparanganda, a professor of sociology at the University of Zimbabwe said : "Some sections of the society use these sperm for ritual purposes. The thinking is that it can be used for regeneration of life since they are source of life (biologically). Some people think that they can have their bad luck gone by using semen. I am sure that explains all this we have been witnessing (men being forced)."
TheTelegraph: Four mentally disabled people found in Philadelphia 'dungeon'Four malnourished mentally disabled adults have been found in what police described as a "dungeon" in Philadelphia.
SOTT: US: Hair attacks force Ohio Amish to seek outside help
GlobeAndMail: Like it or not, maternity leave hurts your career 
(Or you could say, like it or not, a career at the expense of your children, hurts your children. )

LegitGov: Herman Cain's deep ties to Koch brothers key to campaign
CSMonitor: Mitt Romney and GOP quest for anyone but him - Mitt Romney has run an impressive presidential campaign by most traditional measures. But he is struggling against the tides of the tea party. Republicans want a revolutionary, not a realist.
CSMonitor: Herman Cain joke? Electrified fence on the US-Mexico border - Herman Cain's comments about an electrified barbed-wire fence (and alligators, too) on the US-Mexico border are not new. But they're getting fresh attention.
C&L: Cain Doubles Down on His Claim That Liberals Want to Destroy This Country
Businessinsider: Herman Cain Has Been Tied To The Koch Brothers 
Time: In Herman Cain’s Writings, a Startling Lack of Foresight 
Time: What the Alleged Iran Assassination Plot Means for 2012

The Forums
TinfoilPalace:Are we in a time loop? (GLP)
TinfoilPalace:'Doomsday Comet' Elenin to swing by earth today (well, 22 million miles away)
TheOilAge:Ruppert Gets Haircut and Changes Map 
TheOilAge:Surplus v. Scarcity 
Hubberts-Arms:the koch bros. are raising Cain!
Hubberts-Arms:Derivatives: The $600 Trillion Time Bomb That's Set to Explode
Hubberts-Arms:15 arrested for trying to close accounts at City Bank in NYC.
SilentCountry:Banning cash buying/selling of used goods?
SilentCountry: U.S. Birth Rate Drops As Economy Falters

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