TPM: Fox News On UC Davis Pepper Spraying: ‘It’s A Food Product, Essentially’
Found this article last night and would really like to recommend it. It's not news to most of the people that frequent this blog or our forums.
SciGuru: Ignorance is bliss when it comes to challenging social issues
The less people know about important complex issues such as the economy, energy consumption and the environment, the more they want to avoid becoming well-informed, according to new research published by the American Psychological Association.
And the more urgent the issue, the more people want to remain unaware, according to a paper published online in APA's Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
As always, thanks go out to RJ at Global Glass Onion and the Ozarker at Conflicted Doomer,
for their help in gathering up stories for us. Be sure to check out their great blogs today and support their efforts!
Oh, and one last, but really important thing...
Happy Birthday Ozarker!!!
Best wishes to my good friend and bloggin' buddy, The Ozarker! Big birthday hugs to you!
YahooNews: U.S. spy rings busted in devastating blow
CNN: 3 Americans arrested in Egypt
TruthOut: Seymour Hersh: Propaganda Used Ahead of Iraq War Is Now Being Reused Over Iran's Nuke Program - Amy Goodman, Democracy NOW!: "While the United States, Britain and Canada are planning to announce a coordinated set of sanctions against Iran's oil and petrochemical industry today, longtime investigative journalist Seymour Hersh questions the growing consensus on Iran's alleged nuclear weapons program."
TheBulletin: Hezbollah unravels CIA spy network in Lebanon - Hezbollah has partially unraveled the CIA's spy network in Lebanon, severely damaging the intelligence agency's ability to gather vital information on the terrorist organization at a tense time in the region, former and current U.S. officials said.
TheAtlantic: Why the U.S. Is Holding Back on Its Most Powerful Iran Sanction—for Now
Xinhua: Iran says Western sanctions aim at "propagandistic, psychological war"
NYT: Wider Protests Urged in Egypt as Crackdown Enters Day 4
BBC: Egypt cabinet offers to resign as Cairo protests grow
CNN: Egypt's prime minister calls for calm amid clashes
MSNBC: Defiant Egyptians converge for 'million-man march' - Meanwhile, Amnesty International accuses country's military rulers of brutality sometimes exceeding that of deposed dictator Mubarak
VancouverSun: Iraq joins Syria civil war warnings
Hosted: Tear gas, scuffles as SKorea OKs US trade deal
VancouverSun: U.S. hits Iran with new sanctions
CSMonitor: US backs Egypt's military as Tahrir Square crackdown continues - Security forces have killed at least 29 as Tahrir Square protests enter their fourth day. The US has come under attack for backing the military junta despite vows to support democracy and human rights.
WashingtonPost: Putin booed by Russian fight fans, in rare public show of disapproval
WSJ: Hezbollah Waits and Prepares
RawStory: Pregnant Seattle protester miscarries after being kicked, pepper sprayed
TruthOut: National Lawyers Guild Files FOIA Requests Seeking Evidence of Federal Role in Occupy Crackdown - Dave Lindorff, This Can't Be Happening: "The Guild and other observers strongly suspect that the 72 so-called Fusion Centers created by the Homeland Security Department around the country, and the many Joint Terror Task Forces operated by the FBI in conjunction with local police in many cities, are serving as coordination points for the increasingly systematic attacks on the Occupy Movement."
USAToday: University president vows pepper-spraying probe at UC Davis
RawStory: Post pepper spraying, UC Davis chancellor insists ‘the university needs me’
TruthOut: Freezing Free Speech: Winter Tents Are "Contraband" at Occupy BostonBrad Johnson, ThinkProgress: "'I came to the truck because uh, we were afraid you had contraband that we don't want in the camp ... items we don't want in the camp ... Winter tents and, um, any type of insulation materials for tents that are already presently there.'"
Yahoo: Occupy Wall Street protesters wear Snuggies, sleep sitting up to get around new Zuccotti rules
TruthOut: Occupy Colleges Now: Students as the New Public Intellectuals - "The police violence that has taken place at the University of California campuses at Berkeley and Davis does more than border on pure thuggery; it also reveals a display of force that is as unnecessary as it is brutal, and it is impossible to justify. These young people are being beaten on their campuses for simply displaying the courage to protest a system that has robbed them of both a quality education and a viable future."
Financial News
MSNBC: Stocks sink amid fears over Europe, economy
DailyKos: Schadenfreude: Law Firm Behind "Homeless Halloween Party" Goes Under
BusinessInsider: Mohamed El-Erian Puts The US Recession Risk At 50%
LAT: Congress prepares for payroll tax battle - A cut for workers is set to expire at the end of the year, bringing taxes up nearly $1,000 for the average worker. Many had hoped the deficit 'super committee' would find an answer, but now it's up to lawmakers.
RawStory: MF Global trustee says $1.2 billion missing from company GM to assemble China-made autos in Egypt(oh, maybe that's why the US is supporting the Egyptian military, make Egypt safe for GM to do business in. Makes sense to me.)
Spiegel: Germany's Finances Not as Sound as Believed
CapitalSpeculator: Will The Barricades Fall? - The Treasury market's inflation forecast is slipping… again. If the descent rolls on, it'll be a dark sign of things to come, just as it has been in the post-crisis mire of recent years. The battle isn't lost yet, but the forces of inflation and deflation are clearly locked in a new round of conflict.
GlobeandMail: MF Global shortfall could exceed $1.2-billion: trustee
BusinessInsider: ECONOMIST: Bernanke Is Going To End Up Bailing Out All Of Europe
TradingFloor: Is Europe set to declare a Chapter 11 in early 2012?
Attention holiday shoppers: your cell phone may be tracked this year.Bloomberg: Wall Street Unoccupied as 200,000 Job Cuts Bring ‘Darkest Days’
Starting on Black Friday and running through New Year's Day, two U.S. malls -- Promenade Temecula in southern California and Short Pump Town Center in Richmond, Va. -- will track guests' movements by monitoring the signals from their cell phones.
While the data that's collected is anonymous, it can follow shoppers' paths from store to store.
BusinessInsider: Germans Are Suddenly Warming To The Idea Of Printing Money
BusinessInsider: This Baker Had To Make 102,000 Cupcakes Because Of A Groupon Deal And Lost A Ton Of Money
BusinessInsider: DAVID ZERVOS: I'm 'Optimistic' That The U.S. Will Save Us From Europe-Led 'Armageddon'
TheAtlalntic: Supercommittee #FAIL: Why Won't America Learn the Lessons of Italy? - Well, there it is: the super-committee has failed. Supposedly, this means that $1.2 trillion worth of automatic "sequesters" will kick in. But as PJ O'Rourke remarked about a similar budget-balancing attempt, the storied Gramm-Rudman-Hollings act, "this is like trying to quick smoking by hiding your cigarettes from yourself--and leaving a note in your pocket reminding you where you hid them." What Congress did, Congress can undo, any time it wants. And indeed, rumor has it that they're already looking for ways "around" the sequester.
WSJ: BofA Warned to Get Stronger - Bank of America Corp.'s board has been told that the company could face a public enforcement action if regulators aren't satisfied with recent steps taken to strengthen the bank, said people familiar with the situation.
NYT: Behind Deficit Panel’s Failure, a Surprising Outcome - The latest Congressional failure to agree on a plan for balancing the government’s books could yield a surprising result: a sharp reduction in annual federal deficits, larger than anything contemplated by the special panel that reached its fruitless finale on Monday. But the absence of an agreement also threatens to tilt the nation back into recession by raising taxes on almost everyone while reducing government spending on almost everything.
MyBudget360: Meet the New Recession, same as the Old Recession - Financial sector devouring a disproportionate amount of revenues. Share of wealth to financial sector at record levels.
Mish: Perfect Storm the Most Likely Scenario - Panic is spreading says Steen Jakobsen, chief economist at Saxo Bank. Steen eyes the perfect storm including a potential "Chapter 11" call for European banks.
BusinessInsider: Bankers: Here Are 10 Reasons Why You Should Request A Transfer To Hong Kong Right Now - If the backlash against the financial industry is getting you down, Asia is the place for you—over there, it never happened.
NakedCapitalism: Mark Ames: Libertarian Liars: Top Reagan Adviser, Cato Institute Chairman William Niskanen: “Deficits Don’t Matter” - Another Monday, another “deficit crisis” panic. If you haven’t got the feeling yet that you’re being played like a sucker over this alleged “deficit crisis,” then let me help you cross that cognitive bridge to dissonance. It comes in the figure of the recently-deceased William Niskanen, the embodiment of how Reaganomics and the Koch brothers’ libertarian movement were joined at the hip.
CreditWritedowns: Why France will be forced out of the eurozone - Why is the eurozone in crisis? The short answer is that the introduction of the euro spurred the emergence of enormous macroeconomic imbalances that were unsustainable, and that the eurozone has proved institutionally ill-equipped to tackle.
FT: Austrian banks told to limit lending to the east- Austrian bank supervisors have instructed the country banks to limit future lending in their east European subsidiaries, a further sign of the potential knock-on effects of the euro zone crisis for economies around the world.
Reuters: Insight: U.S. readies defenses against Europe spillover - The United States is ramping up attempts to safeguard its financial system from a worsening of Europe's debt crisis, joining nations in Asia, Latin America and elsewhere in trying to build firewalls.
NYT: US Economic Growth Is Revised Down to 2 Percent
WashingtonPost: Supercommittee’s failure pushes Bush tax cuts to forefront of 2012...
Peak oil and Energy News
EnergyBulletin: The End of Growth with Richard Heinberg
CNBC: OPEC Likely to Cut Output in December: Iraq Oil Minister
CNBC: OPEC Likely to Cut Output in December: Iraq Oil Minister
EnergyBulletin: The peak oil crisis: a report to remember
Platts: Shell buys Libyan jet fuel cargo, first export since start of war
CNBC: Crude Oil Could Hit $75 Per Barrel, Analysts Say
Platts: Shell buys Libyan jet fuel cargo, first export since start of war
CNBC: Crude Oil Could Hit $75 Per Barrel, Analysts Say
Environmental News
M 4.6, TurkeyThinkProgress: Level of Heat-Trapping CO2 Reaches New High, Growth Rate Speeds Up, Methane Levels Are Rising Again
BusinessInsider: CLIMATEGATE 2.0: Over 5,000 Environmental Emails Leaked - A number of private emails allegedly between climate change scientists have been leaked, apparently in a bid to disrupt an upcoming climate summit.
ScientificAmerican: Historian Hunts for Motives Behind Climate Change Doubt-Mongering: A Q&A with Naomi Oreskes
ClimateProgress: TV Media Ignore IPCC Extreme Weather Report
MSNBC: Storm Threatens Thanksgiving Eve Travel
CommonDreams: Rich Nations 'Give Up' on New Climate Treaty Until 2020 - Governments of the world's richest countries have given up on forging a new treaty on climate change to take effect this decade, with potentially disastrous consequences for the environment through global warming. Ahead of critical talks starting next week, most of the world's leading economies now privately admit that no new global climate agreement will be reached before 2016 at the earliest, and that even if it were negotiated by then, they would stipulate it could not come into force until 2020. The eight-year delay is the worst contemplated by world governments during 20 years of tortuous negotiations on greenhouse gas emissions, and comes despite intensifying warnings from scientists and economists about the rapidly increasing dangers of putting off prompt action. After the Copenhagen climate talks in 2009 ended amid scenes of chaos, governments pledged to try to sign a new treaty in 2012. The date is critical, because next year marks the expiry of the current provisions of the Kyoto protocol, the only legally binding international agreement to limit emissions. The UK, European Union, Japan, US and other rich nations are all now united in opting to put off an agreement and the United Nations also appears to accept this.
BusinessWeek: U.S. Sets High Bar for Post-2020 Climate Accord, Stern Says - Climate-change deals reached at a United Nations meeting starting this month may be “completely silent” about how to combat global warming after 2020, the U.S. climate envoy said. “It’s not self-evident that you need to talk about that at all,” Todd Stern, President Barack Obama’s lead climate negotiator, told reporters yesterday at a briefing in Arlington, Virginia.
America in Decline
SHTFPlan: Shock: 100 Million Americans In Poverty or Right on the Edge
MotherJones: Inside the Corporate Plan to Occupy the Pentagon
RawStory: Florida school official calls police on kissing 12-year-olds - Some people just aren’t cut out to work around kids. Take, for example, the recent experience of a hapless administrator at Orange River Elementary School in Fort Myers, Florida.
BeforeItsNews: 4 Occupations Embracing the Homeless (As Cities Increasingly Can’t Take Care of Them)
TruthOut: Union Organizers Still Fired With Impunity - David Bacon, Truthout: "Over the next month they collected union cards, and filed a petition with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) with 70 percent of the faculty signed up. Grace was chosen head of the union steering committee. That was when hell broke loose. The film school hired IRI Consultants, a union-busting firm from Michigan. With their advice, school managers set Grace up to be fired, and prepared a classic campaign of psychological warfare against its own faculty."
Food and Water
M&C: New virus from Africa and Oceania spreads in German cattle
BigPictureAgriculture: Agriculture News November 21, 2011 - These Royal Palm Turkeys wish you a "so perfect" Thanksgiving.Is U.S. farm boom sitting on an ethanol bubble?
Grist: McDonald’s appears to have at least one scruple about farming practices
If you thought it was impossible to get McDonald's to take abusive and unsafe farm practices seriously, prepare to be proved wrong! Turns out, all it takes for McDonald's to break ranks with a supplier is 13 violations of salmonella-prevention regulations, an FDA citation for "significant ... and serious violations," and undercover video showing unsanitary conditions and animal cruelty. Easy!
Science and Technology
PopSci: The Most Capable Robot Geologist Ever Built Now Heads to Mars to Find Life
ArchaeologyNewsNetwork: Date and Rate of Earth's most extreme extinction event pinpointed
ScientificAmerican: New Theory Explains What Makes a Video Go Viral
ScientificAmerican: Solar Eclipse on Friday Could Wow Small Audience
CosmmicLog: Russian probe misses Mars trip
MSNBC: Space station trio makes chilly but safe landing - U.S.-Russian-Japanese crew back on Earth after six months in orbit
CNET: How Facebook is ruining sharing
Medical and Health
CNN: Is weight loss an early warning sign of Alzheimer's?
Discover: Helpful Mouse Fetuses Naturally Send Stem Cells to Mom to Fix Her Damaged Heart
MSNBC: High rates of foster kids given antipsychotic meds, study finds - Foster children given drugs for schizophrenia, severe bipolar disorder as often as severely mentally disabled kids, study finds
TheChart: How meditating may help your brain
HuffingtonPost: Woman Gets Cement Injections In Butt: Oneal Ron Morris Charged With Practicing Medicine Without License - A woman who wanted to work at a nightclub started searching for someone who could perform plastic surgery at a cheap price to give her a curvier body. Police say what she found was a woman posing as a doctor who filled her buttocks with cement, mineral oil and flat-tire sealant.
Doomsteading, Gardening, Urban Farming
ModernSurvivalBlog: A Safe Room For Your Home
BeforeItsNews: 50 Best Bartering Sites For The Frugal
Other News
NYT: Lawsuit: Ga. Man Fired for Refusing to Wear '666' - A Georgia factory worker claims in a federal lawsuit that he was fired after he refused to wear a '666' sticker he feared would doom him to eternal damnation.
USAToday: 'Sesame Street,' Disney composer faces child porn charges - A Grammy-award winning composer who wrote songs for Sesame Street and the Disney Channel has been charged in South Carolina with making and sending child pornography, The Post and Courier reports.
TPM: Schaeffer Cox & Co. Also Charged With Possessing Grenade Launcher - Schaeffer Cox and two members of his Alaska militia were indicted on two additional federal weapons charges for possessing grenades and a grenade launcher.
RawStory: Parents startled by baby doll that says ‘b*tch’ - Just in time for the holiday shopping season, Toys’R'Us is offering this exclusive: the You & Me Interactive Triplet Dolls that “laugh and giggle” when your child play with them and, for a special treat, calls your child a “crazy bitch.”
BusinessInsider: HORRIFIC: British Man Arrested After Dragging Dog To Death From His Porsche 911 Carrera
BusinessInsider: If You Skipped This Weekend's GOP Sobfest, Here Are 8 Awesome Moments You Missed
LAT: Newt Gingrich: Child labor laws 'truly stupid' [video]
AmericanProspect: What Happened to the Tea Party? - It looks like the GOP primaries have left the once-powerful movement in the dust.
WashingtonPost: GOP debate: Conflict for AEI and Heritage as new players?The American Enterprise Institute (AEI) and the Heritage Foundation, two conservative think tanks that are co-sponsoring the debate with CNN, will appear front and center by asking many of the questions during the debate that will be moderated by CNN’s Wolf Blitzer at the historic 2800 capacity Daughters of the Revolution Constitution Hall.
Crooks&Liars: Mitt Romney Implies He Destroyed Hard Drives To Block Access From Political Opposition
RawStory: Cain says doctor’s Muslim-sounding name worried him
Herman Cain said this past weekend at a Christian-theme amusement park in central Florida that doctors who are not Christian make him nervous.Upon hearing that news, the former Godfather’s CEO pizza said, “Hallelujah! Thank God.”
According to a story released Monday morning by Yahoo News’s The Ticket, Cain revealed to a crowd at The Holy Land Experience theme park his fear when he found out that a surgeon he once saw during chemotherapy was named “Dr. Abudullah.”
“I said to his physician assistant, ‘That sounds foreign,’” he said. “Not that I had anything against foreign doctors–but it sounded too foreign. “She said, ‘He’s from Lebanon.’ Oh, Lebanon! My mind immediately started thinking, ‘Wait a minute, maybe his religious persuasion is different than mine!’ She could see the look on my face and she said, ‘Don’t worry, Mr. Cain, he’s a Christian from Lebanon.’”
(you couldn't make this crap up if you tried!)
The Forums
TinfoilPalace: Swedish man bursts into flames while waiting for train
TinfoilPalace: UFO Orb Leaves the Mountain **HD** Tucson, AZ - Oct. 29, 2011 TheOilAge: Budget Talks Are Close to Failure
TheOilAge: Time to Assume the Crash Position...
HubbertsArms: Ha-Ha! Foreclosure Firm Whose Halloween Party Mocked the Evicted Closes
HubbertsArms: Blame game begins as US debt crisis 'super committee' admits defeat
SilentCountry: Israel demands immediate embargo of Iran Oil.
SilentCountry: Curtain pulled slightly ajar
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