Thanks to the Ozarker for the above link and picture.
and this from RJ.
BusinessInsider: This Week's Occupy Evictions Were Systematically Plotted By The Nations Mayors: Conspiracy theorists are going to love this one. In an interview with the BBC, Mayor Quan admitted that she discussed dismantling Occupy Oakland with Mayors from 18 other cities. That explains why the crackdown on Occupations seems to have happened all at once — in Oakland, in Portland, and in NYC, to name a few. You can listen to the clip around 5:30 here, on The Takeaway (they have a partnership with the BBC). Or you can just read what Quan said below: “I was recently on a conference call with 18 cities across the country who had the same situation where what had started as a political movement and a political encampment ended up being an encampment that was no longer in control of the people who started them. And what I think you're starting to see is that the Occupy movement is now looking for more stability. There's been a lot of... talking to peaceful demonstrators...who wanted to separate themselves from anarchists...They're now looking for a private space where they can go to do community organizing around the issues that started the movement, so I think you're going to find that...the encampments are going to try to move to place where they're not in direct conflict with the public...
Also, you really need to watch this guy's UStream.
Tim Cast The Other 99
I think he's off air now but he broadcast live for something like 20 hours straight yesterday and it was amazing.
Try and watch him if you can.
Thanks to RJ at Global Glass Onion and the Ozarker at Conflicted Doomer, for their contributions and help. Be sure to check out their great blogs today and don't forget to stop by the forums linked at the bottom of this post, and join in the lively discussions going on there!
p.s. check out oil today. $101+ a barrel right now.
Cryptogon: Japan: Radioactive Contamination in Soil Will Severely Impair Food Production
DesdemonaDespair: Photo gallery: Journalists tour the wreckage of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant
Global Conflict
CSMonitor: Palestinian 'freedom riders' board Israeli buses in protest
Reuters: Did U.S. troops bring democracy? Iraqis have doubts
Sitting in a barber shop in Baghdad's Shi'ite Sadr City slum, three friends agreed after a long and hard argument that U.S. forces brought democracy to Iraq.NYT: Israeli Army May Need To Hit Gaza, General Says
But they found it difficult to utter the words without raging about the flip side of what they saw as the U.S. occupation of their country.
"OK, we have democracy. We can talk freely with no fear. We can demonstrate and vote freely. All these are available, and all were not before 2003," said student Hussain Ali, 20, as he waited for his haircut.
"But why don't you ask us about the other side of the story of the U.S. presence in Iraq? Why don't you ask about their crimes, atrocities, the pain and anguish that we suffered because of their military presence here?" Ali said, his face turning red with anger.
TheTelegraph: Benjamin Netanyahu 'turning Israel into a dictatorship'
Benjamin Netanyahu's right-wing coalition has been accused of trying to turn Israel into a "dictatorship" after it introduced legislation to tame senior judges and human rights groups opposed to its settlement construction policies.Reuters: End night raids before Afghan deal, Karzai tells U.S.
NYT: Eyeing China, US Expands Military Ties to Australia
TheTelegraph: Turkey on brink of open confrontation with Syria
Turkey was on the brink of open confrontation over its border with Syria on Tuesday night, announcing its first economic sanctions against Damascus and saying President Bashar al-Assad’s regime was “on a knife-edge".LegitGov: U.S. Troops to Stay in Iraq as Trainers, Top Officer Says
VOA: Saudi Prince: Inevitable Syrian President Will Step Down(oh, well if a Saudi Prince said it, it must be true!)
Hosted: East-West split threatens nuclear unity on Iran
VancouverSun: Syria crackdown gets bloodier as regime isolation grows
BBC: Iran 'influenced' Iraq over US troops' exit - Iran influenced Baghdad's decision to refuse to allow the US to keep troops in Iraq beyond the end of this year, a senior adviser to Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Maliki has told the BBC.
BusinessInsider: Protesters Have Regrouped At Zuccotti, And Are Now Getting Ready For A Massive Response Tomorrow
Reuters: Court delays Occupy Toronto evictions
Seismologik: Statement From Occupy Wall Street Sustainability
Washington'sBlog: Seattle City Council Unanimously Supports Occupy Movement and Votes to Stand Up to Big Banks
TheNation: A Raid on the First Amendment: New York’s Assault on Press Freedom - The dark-of-night raid on New York City’s Zuccotti Park was not merely an assault on the Occupy Wall Street movement. It was an assault on the underpinnings of the First Amendment to the Constitution, an amendment that was outlined and approved by the First Congress of the United States at No. 26 Wall Street in 1789.That amendment, which was written to empower citizens to challenge and prevent the rise of a totalitarian state, recognized basic freedoms that were essential to the defense of liberty. Among these are, of course, the right to speak freely and to embrace the religious ideals of one’s choice.But from a standpoint of pushing back against power, however, the rights to assemble and to petition for the redress of grievances are fundamental. And those rights were clearly assaulted early Tuesday morning.So, too, was another right: the right to a free press.
NationalPost: Matt Gurney: Why evict Occupy Toronto now, but not before?
BlackListedNews: Homeland Security Coordinated 18-City Police Crackdown on Occupy Protest
MSNBC: Mayors deny colluding on 'Occupy' crackdowns
MercuryNews: Occupy camps staying put at UC Berkeley, SF
NakedCapitalism: Police State: #OWS, Other Crackdowns Part of National, Coordinated Effort; Bloomberg Defies Court Order to Let Protestors Back into Zuccotti Park [Update: Judge Rules in Favor of City]
NakedCapitalism: Video of Police Assaulting #OWS Protestor and Punching Woman in the Face - We’ve commented how the police kept the media far away during the crackdown in Zuccotti Park last night so as to prevent capture of images of the efforts to clear the square. There were reports at the time via the live feed of protestors being tear gassed and dragged away by their arms and legs, and later of the use of pepper spray and batons. This video was from this morning, when the police were keeping protestors out of the park, an illegal violation of a court injunction. The protestors show a copy of the court order and are (predictably) denied access to the park. The woman was punched at around 1:45; the footage does not show the actual blow, but you can pretty clearly infer from her suddenly being on the ground in obvious pain what happened.
If this is what you see, imagine what happened last night, with no cameras and videos to constrain police aggression.
MSNBC: Re-Occupying Zuccotti Park, 'reset button' hit on protest movement
MSNBC: Protesters Can Pick Up Confiscated Items Today
(it is my understanding that all their things was scraped up with bulldozers and loaded into dump trucks. How are they supposed to find their things in a mess like that?)
New York City's Sanitation Department said protesters who wish to claim tents, sleeping bags and other possessions confiscated during the Occupy Wall Street raid can pick them up beginning Wednesday and must bring ID and proof that the belongings are theirs.TheNation: Occupy Wall Street Debates Next Steps
The city said those seeking to claim items should come to a midtown west garage on 56th Street between 11th and 12th avenues from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday through Friday.
Guardian: Occupy and anarchism’s gift of democracy
Gothamist: This Adorable Dog Was Pepper-Sprayed By Cops At Zuccotti Park Today
TheNation: Paramilitary Policing From Seattle to Occupy Wall Street
LAT: 5,000 books reportedly thrown out in Occupy Wall Street raid
Financial News
BusinessInsider: WHOOPS: The Irish Prime Minister Actually Told The Truth About the Euro Rescue Fund
CEPR: The Supercommittee Looks to Impose a Much Bigger Hit to Seniors Than the Wealthy BusinessInsider: CHART OF THE DAY: Proof That Fannie And Freddie Didn't Cause The Housing Bubble
The role of government agencies in causing the housing bubble continue to be debated endlessly. As such, it's always a good idea to have this chart...
Bloomberg: Gingrich Said to Be Paid $1.6M by Freddie Mac - Newt Gingrich made between $1.6 million and $1.8 million in consulting fees from two contracts with mortgage company Freddie Mac, according to two people familiar with the arrangement.
BusinessInsider: You're Not Going To Believe Who Mario Monti Just Named As Italy's New Finance Minister - Himself! He was also asked to be the Prime Minister. According to Bloomberg, he will hold both posts.
Zerohedge: Introducing Italy's Brand New Government
NYT: Facing Crisis, Technocrats Take Charge in Italy
AngryBear: Federal regulation versus jobs…not much there - The Washington Post points us to a study on the overall impact of regulations and jobs: The critique of regulations fits into a broader conservative narrative about government overreach. But it also comes after a string of disasters in recent years that were tied to government regulators falling short, including the financial crisis of 2008, the BP oil spill and the West Virginia mining accident last year. Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics show that very few layoffs are caused principally by tougher rules.Whenever a firm lays off workers, the bureau asks executives the biggest reason for the job cuts. In 2010, 0.3 percent of the people who lost their jobs in layoffs were let go because of “government regulations/intervention.” By comparison, 25 percent were laid off because of a drop in business demand.
NewBottomLine: Cha-Ching!: New Bottom Line Study Finds That House Supercommittee Members Raised $371k in Financial Sector Money in 3rd Quarter
Bloomberg: Gingrich Said to Be Paid $1.6M by Freddie Mac - Newt Gingrich made between $1.6 million and $1.8 million in consulting fees from two contracts with mortgage company Freddie Mac, according to two people familiar with the arrangement.
BusinessInsider: You're Not Going To Believe Who Mario Monti Just Named As Italy's New Finance Minister - Himself! He was also asked to be the Prime Minister. According to Bloomberg, he will hold both posts.
Zerohedge: Introducing Italy's Brand New Government
NYT: Facing Crisis, Technocrats Take Charge in Italy
AngryBear: Federal regulation versus jobs…not much there - The Washington Post points us to a study on the overall impact of regulations and jobs: The critique of regulations fits into a broader conservative narrative about government overreach. But it also comes after a string of disasters in recent years that were tied to government regulators falling short, including the financial crisis of 2008, the BP oil spill and the West Virginia mining accident last year. Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics show that very few layoffs are caused principally by tougher rules.Whenever a firm lays off workers, the bureau asks executives the biggest reason for the job cuts. In 2010, 0.3 percent of the people who lost their jobs in layoffs were let go because of “government regulations/intervention.” By comparison, 25 percent were laid off because of a drop in business demand.
NewBottomLine: Cha-Ching!: New Bottom Line Study Finds That House Supercommittee Members Raised $371k in Financial Sector Money in 3rd Quarter
TheEpochTimes: Chinese TV Host Says Regime Nearly Bankrupt - China’s economy has a reputation for being strong and prosperous, but according to a well-known Chinese television personality the country’s Gross Domestic Product is going in reverse.
BusinessInsider: Another Strong Number: October Industrial Production Just Had Its Biggest Jump In July - Another solid number. October industrial production jumped 0.7% in October. That's above the 0.4% that was estimated.
WSJ: Turmoil Spreads in Europe - Europe's debt troubles on Tuesday spilled over to top-rated nations that had been largely untouched by the crisis—including Austria, the Netherlands, Finland and France
HuffingtonPost: North Dakota Oil Boom Raises Rents, Pushing Seniors Out - Thanks to new drilling techniques that make it possible to tap once-unreachable caches of crude, a region that used to have plenty of elbow room is now swarming with armies of workers. Nodding pumps dot the wide, mostly barren landscape. But because it has limited housing, the area is ill-prepared to handle the influx of people. The result is that some rents have risen to the level of some of the nation's largest cities, with modest two-bedroom apartments commonly going for as much as $2,000. The skyrocketing cost of living is all the talk at the senior center in downtown Williston. "Grandma can't go to work in the oil fields and make a 150 grand a year,"
Bloomberg: JPMorgan Joins Goldman Keeping Italy Derivatives Risk in Dark
BottomLine: Investors take latest budget stalemate in stride
StarTribune: U.S. pension insurer's deficit: $26B
Reuters: France, Germany clash over ECB role to stem crisis
BusinessInsider: Chinese Immigrants Are Fleeing Back To China Because 'The American Dream Is Dead' - Chinatowns around America have shrunk during the past decade, and Chinese immigration has declined since 2006.
Why?BusinessInsider: Another Strong Number: October Industrial Production Just Had Its Biggest Jump In July - Another solid number. October industrial production jumped 0.7% in October. That's above the 0.4% that was estimated.
WSJ: Turmoil Spreads in Europe - Europe's debt troubles on Tuesday spilled over to top-rated nations that had been largely untouched by the crisis—including Austria, the Netherlands, Finland and France
HuffingtonPost: North Dakota Oil Boom Raises Rents, Pushing Seniors Out - Thanks to new drilling techniques that make it possible to tap once-unreachable caches of crude, a region that used to have plenty of elbow room is now swarming with armies of workers. Nodding pumps dot the wide, mostly barren landscape. But because it has limited housing, the area is ill-prepared to handle the influx of people. The result is that some rents have risen to the level of some of the nation's largest cities, with modest two-bedroom apartments commonly going for as much as $2,000. The skyrocketing cost of living is all the talk at the senior center in downtown Williston. "Grandma can't go to work in the oil fields and make a 150 grand a year,"
Bloomberg: JPMorgan Joins Goldman Keeping Italy Derivatives Risk in Dark
BottomLine: Investors take latest budget stalemate in stride
StarTribune: U.S. pension insurer's deficit: $26B
Reuters: France, Germany clash over ECB role to stem crisis
BusinessInsider: Chinese Immigrants Are Fleeing Back To China Because 'The American Dream Is Dead' - Chinatowns around America have shrunk during the past decade, and Chinese immigration has declined since 2006.
Because Chinese think the American Dream is dead.
(Or, more pertinently, has moved to China.)
CalculatedRisk: Residential Remodeling Index at new high in September
TaxPolicyCenter: Looming Tax Increase
Hosted: Democrats, Republicans far apart on deficit deal
TheAtlantic: The New Young Turks: Over-Educated, Tech-Savvy, and Jobless
Peak oil and Energy News
TheBurningPlatform: Energy Independence - The Big Lie - It is too bad that our 255 million cars can’t run on hot air. American presidents have propagated the Big Lie of energy independence for the last three decades. The Democrats have lied about green energy solutions and the Republicans have lied about domestic sources saving the day. These deceitful politicians put the country at risk as they misinform and mislead the non-thinking American public. They have been declaring our energy independence for 30 years, but we import three times as much oil today as we did in the early 1980’s.
TechReview: Startup to Capture Lithium from Geothermal Plants - The approach could boost U.S. lithium production—just as demand is set to soar with increased electric-vehicle usage.
TechReview: How BP Blew Its Chance to Spearhead a Solar Innovation
TheOilDrum: Five Misconceptions About Peak Oil
McClatchy: Congress divided over continuing subsidization of wind power
CNBC: Oil Prices Primed For Pullback as Bull Move May Be 'Over-Extended': Survey
Bloomberg: Time for Big Oil to Rethink Its Bigness? - Vertical integration cuts into profits for some companies
Mineweb: Growing trust in gold makes it the perfect place to hide
Mineweb: China's Shandong Gold bids $1 billion for Jaguar Mining
Environmental News
M 5.3, Tonga IslandsM 5.2, Off East Coast of Honshu, Japan
M 5.0, Kuril Islands
DesdemonaDespair: ‘Deadly synergy between beetles, blister rust, and climate change’ may doom rugged pine
IBTimes: Alabama, Louisiana Can Sue BP for Gulf Spill, Says Judge
Reuters: Nebraska lawmakers vote unanimously to reroute Keystone pipeline
YahooNews: Regions must brace for weather extremes: UN climate panel
CNN: Suspected tornadoes, storms cause damage in La., Miss.
Severe weather including suspected tornadoes swept through parts of Louisiana and Mississippi early Wednesday, causing some structural damage...
America in Decline
BusinessInsider: Congress' Job Approval Entrenched At Record Low Of 13%
Cryptogon: DARPA Developing Fast Running Robot
PopSci: Video: DARPA's FastRunner is a Robo-Ostrich Capable of 30 MPH Sprints
NYT: Middle-Class Neighborhoods Shrinking - The portion of American families living in middle-income neighborhoods has declined significantly since 1970, according to a new study, as rising income inequality left a growing share of families in neighborhoods that are mostly low-income or mostly affluent.
CBSNews: mother in custody in 1-year-old son's death
Economix: The Sharp Increase in the Food Stamps Program
Science and Technology
ScientificAmerican: Europe Bans X-Ray Body Scanners Used at U.S. Airports
BBC: Scientists boost battery strength with small holes
Batteries for phones and laptops could soon recharge ten times faster and hold a charge ten times larger than current technology allows.
MSNBC: Three men and an Angry Bird move into space station
Toy mascot accompanies spacefliers; station crew returns to full strength
Medical and Health
LAT: Scalia, Thomas dine with healthcare law challengers Tenn. Health Dept. prepared to make $40M in cuts
ScienceDaily: High Childhood IQ Linked to Subsequent Illicit Drug Use, Research Suggests
A high childhood IQ may be linked to subsequent illegal drug use, particularly among women, suggests research published online in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.
Reuters: Supreme Court asked to broadcast healthcare case
MSNBC: 1 in 3 teens go on Pill for non-contraceptive reasons
ScienceDaily: Ionized Plasmas as Cheap Sterilizers for Developing World
University of California, Berkeley, scientists have shown that ionized plasmas like those in neon lights and plasma TVs not only can sterilize water, but make it antimicrobial -- able to kill bacteria -- for as long as a week after treatment.
StraitsTimes: Doctors baffled by 7-year-old who weeps stones
Reuters: More Americans than not want health law repeal: poll
Doomsteading, Gardening, Urban Farming
ModernSurvivalBlog: How To Get Through 1 Year of Tough Times
ModernSurvivalBlog: Best Tire Air Compressor Pump
Other News
NYDailyNews: Dad who killed his 3 sons flips bird before execution
LAT: Russians are leaving the country in droves
GlobeandMail: Secret Service says bullet hit White House window
The U.S. Secret Service says a bullet hit an exterior window of the White House and was stopped by ballistic glass.WATCH: Jon Stewart Rips The Jerry Sandusky Interview On 'The Daily Show'
An additional round of ammunition was also found on the exterior of the White House. The bullets were found Tuesday.
The discovery follows reports of gunfire near the White House on Friday. Witnesses heard shots and saw two speeding vehicles in the area. An AK-47 rifle was also recovered.
USAToday: Report: Penn State coach says he told police of alleged rape
fox: Facebook Flooded With Porn and Gore, Security Firm Warns
TIME: Latin America: Can Child Labor Be a Good Thing?
CNN: Assistant coach made sure assault stopped, went to police, he says in e-mail
SFGate: Penn State May Seek Immunity After Skirting Public Laws
LAT: Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker fights back as recall effort begins
Campaign2012: Big banks binge on Bush- Obama ‘venture socialism’ - Largely out of the media spotlight, the federal government operates a network of financial subsidy programs that benefit big banks by putting taxpayer money at risk. In its latest act of venture socialism, the Obama administration has offered a novel taxpayer backstop to General Electric, the multinational industrial conglomerate that is famously close to this administration, and that spends more on federal lobbying than any other company.
BusinessWeek: GOP hopefuls oppose potential deficit deal
McClatchy: Despite auto bailouts Obama's no cinch to win Michigan next year
Businessweek: Cain Defends His Answer on Libya by Denying Confusion
BusinessInsider: WATCH: Herman Cain Is Actually A Huge Diva - Herman Cain's video interview with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is the gift that keeps on giving. (I think he's been hired by the Onion to pretend to run for pres and just put on a good show. LOL)
The Forums
TinfoilPalace: I have to hand it to Kuntsler with this one....Penn State Depravity
TinfoilPalace: The controversial science of free will
TheOilAge: Occupy Wall Street
TheOilAge: Remote Gobi Desert site (Chinese HAARP site?)
HubbertsArms: Say goodbye to online anonymity
HubbertsArms:Japan computer smashes speed record
SilentCountry: If Iran is attacked, whate are your predictions of the fallout?
SilentCountry: What woud you do in the 24 to 48 hours after an attack on Iran
By quoting the Cushing oil figure you are playing TPTB game, most oil you import is at the Brent crude price.
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good work ;¬) no really =)
hey check it out, problem solved with the use of a widget! LOL