And a funny thing, we have this story today as well, UP video on youtube. Maybe it's just my conspiratorial side. LOL Just looks odd to me.
Thanks to RJ at Global Glass Onion and the Ozarker at Conflicted Doomer, for their contributions and help. Be sure to check out their great blogs today!.
LegitGov: Japan mulls over rice ban after radiation findings
TheTelegraph: Japan bans Fukushima rice - Japan has announced its first ban on rice produced near the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant after samples showed radioactive contamination well above legal limits.
ExtinctionProtocol: Why the mounting energy crisis and debt-bomb will lead to the meltdown of Japan
November 17, 2011 – TOKYO – The International Energy Agency has estimated that Japan would need to spend $3 billion per month on additional...
Global Conflict
Reuters: Big powers voice "increasing concern" about Iran
WSJ: UN Atomic Chief Seeks Access to Iran
WashingtonPost: U.S. troops headed to Australia, irking China
Telegraph: US will shift focus from Middle East to Asia Pacific, Barack Obama declares
Cryptogon: ‘Super Soldiers’: The Quest for the Ultimate Human Killing Machine
GlobeAndMail: Obama, denying fear of China, boosts U.S. military presence in Australia
CBSNews: Russia's FM compares Syria attack to civil war
BusinessInsider: Prepare Yourself For Another Day Of Rage In Greece - It looks like Greece may see another huge protest today, marking the 1973 student uprisings that helped topple the country's military dictatorship
JerusalemPost: Iran faces big power pressure, IAEA wants mission
Cryptogon: Russian Military Chief Warns of Nuclear War Risks
MSNBC: Russia, West agree on UN response to Iran nuclear defiance - Resolution for international nuclear agency signals unity on how to deal with Tehran
ExtinctionProtocol: President Obama warns North Korea nuclear proliferation a threat to the U.S.
TruthOut: War Is a Force That Pays the One Percent: Occupying American Foreign Policy
J.A. Myerson, Truthout: "If the last decade was the era of occupations that everyone called liberations, then the 99 percent movement is seeking to make this the era of liberations everyone calls occupations."
CNN: Will Syria listen to anyone as crisis grows?
MSNBC: Russia warns Syria is close to 'real civil war' - Statement by one of regime's few remaining allies follows report of deadly attack on intelligence complex in Damascus suburb
ArabNews: Arabs turn up heat on Assad
SOTT: Gilad Atzmon: In case you don't realise how dangerous the Israeli Lobby Is
Israeli paper Israel-Ayom reports today about a new 'Congressional bill' that would require the "American administration to support Israel in a move deemed necessary to defend itself against the Iranian nuclear threat."
NYT: Protesters and Officers Clash Near Wall Street and in Zuccotti Park
CBS: Wall Street on guard for Occupy day of action
CNN: Cities face Occupy movement's 'mass day'
MSNBC: 'Shut down Wall Street!' Occupy block streets - Organizers plan to mark two-month point with flash mobs, student strikes, rallies and musicals
MercuryNews: Occupy protesters at Berkeley vote to strike
VancouverSun: Evicted Wall St protesters seek rebound with rally
MSNBC: Occupy Dallas Awaits Removal
WashingtonPostBlog: Occupy New York Stock Exchange, Key Bridge
CBS: Wall Street clashes start Occupy's day of action
NYCBS: NYPD’s Kelly Pulled Fast One On Protesters And Was Ready For Their Every Contingency
Zuccotti Park Call For Reinforcements And 'Human Chain' Idea Were No Match
When you get right down to it, Police Commissioner Ray Kelly was able to evict Zuccotti Park protestors because he faked them out.NYDailyNews: Occupy the garbage dump: The tattered remains of Zuccotti Park's tent city
Once he knew he had to evict the protesters Kelly reached into his NYPD playbook and pulled out his trick play. He had been running regular drills every single night in lower Manhattan, but on Monday night/Tuesday morning the practice drill suddenly became the real thing.
“Last night we had another drill and we used officers involved in the drill to actually carry out the plan,” Kelly told CBS 2’s Marcia Kramer.
And Kelly was ready for the protesters to call for reinforcements, too. But by the time their e-mails started up around 1:15 a.m. there were only two words for it — too late.
“We had an outer ring, you might say, of police officers to keep people away from the park when the actions were ongoing,” Kelly said.
A “peace flag” flying over the encampment didn’t stop the protesters from forming human chains, but, again, Kelly was ready.
“Many people they locked their arms together so they had to be forcibly separated. Other people locked themselves together with these bicycle locks and two people locked themselves on to trees. The locks were cut by Emergency Services officers.
MinneapolisExaminer: DHS’s Federal Protective Services seen at Portland ‘Occupy’ arrests
MinneapolisExaminer: Update: 'Occupy' crackdowns coordinated with federal law enforcement officials
Financial News
Here's something fun from RJ today!
CNN: 'Critical' day for deficit super committeeReuters: New Italy PM pledges tough reforms to face emergency
DailyBail: Jim Grant: "Central Banks Are Insolvent"
LAT: Gloom around deficit-reduction panel grows - Even as a bipartisan 'gang of 147' lawmakers gathers to urge a far-reaching deal, the impasse on the 12-member 'super committee' intensifies.
CharlesHughSmith: Attention Passengers on Global Equity Flight 2011: Assume Crash Positions
Wired: Military Budget Cuts Will Get Us All Nuked, and 4 Other Lies
Zerohedge: A Little Thursday Morning Conspiracy Theory Fun
HuffingtonPost: America’s ‘Brain Drain’: Best And Brightest College Grads Head For Wall Street -- For employers in need of fresh talent, there are few better places to go than the Stanford University career center, where intelligent, over-achieving, creative and ambitious students stop by on their way toward picking up a degree or three.
CNNMoney: Big banks are dead money
GlobeAndMail: Europe a tinderbox today, France next ‘domino’ to fall
TruthOut: Bank of America Makes Millions Charging Fees to Withdraw Unemployment BenefitsMarie Diamond, ThinkProgress: "Millions of jobless Americans like Busby have little choice but to rely on the bank's prepaid debit cards to collect their monthly benefits. Forty-one states have contracted with Bank of America, Wells Fargo, JP Morgan Chase, and other banks to provide access to public benefits, allowing them to collect unlimited fees, both from the unemployed and state governments."
Reuters: Deficit committee locked in budget stalemate
BusinessInsider: LOOK: There's One Solution For Europe, Everyone Knows What It Is, And If It Doesn't Happen, There Will Be A Collapse
Businessweek: U.S. Banks Face Serious Risk From Europe Crisis, Fitch Says
TruthOut: One Day After Attending Private Economic Crisis Briefing, GOP Financial Services Chairman Bet On Stocks TankingPat Garofalo, ThinkProgress: "CBS News' 60 Minutes aired a report last night alleging that several members of Congress have traded stock using information they received during private briefings or meetings, enabling them to profit from inside information. By far the most damning story was about House Financial Services Chairman Spencer Bachus (R-AL), who in 2008, the day after receiving a private briefing from the nation's chief economic officials on the extent of the financial crisis, proceeded to bet that the stock market would tank.... "
Reuters: New premier Monti says Italy faces emergency
Zerohedge: ECB Goes Hog Wild, Lifts Every Offer In Another Failed Attempt To Calm Market
Krugman: The not-so-original sin of finding others to pay for it
NakedCapitalism: Italian default scenarios
NakedCapitalism: Austerity & Fascism In Greece – The Real 1% Doctrine
EuroObserver: Monti names unelected government of technocrats and bankers
MacroBusiness: China reboots money supply - Unknown to everyone except the People’s Bank of China, at the time of announcement of the monetary statistics, the PBOC had quietly expanded the definition of M2 money supply, and announced it only last night in a statement.
HuffingtonPost: Federal Prosecution Of Financial Fraud Falls To 20-Year Low, New Report Shows - Public mistrust for banks may be at an all-time high, but federal prosecution for certain financial crimes is down to a 20-year low.
NYT: With MF Global Money Still Lost, Suspicions Grow - Nearly three weeks after $600 million in customer money went missing from MF Global, the search for the cash has been hampered by the bankrupt brokerage firm’s sloppy record-keeping, an increasingly worrisome situation that has left regulators frustrated and customers in the lurch.
RawStory: Facing bankruptcy, Detroit mayor calls for wage cuts, corporate tax increase
CapitalGainsAndGames: Shutdown This Weekend Not Out Of The Question - The current continuing resolution expires at midnight Friday and, if it’s not extended, there will be a government shutdown.
BusinessInsider: This Is The Report That Caused Banks To Tank In The Final Hour Of The Day
Bloomberg: Merkel Says Germany Is Ready to Cede Some Sovereignty to Save the Euro - Chancellor Angela Merkel said that Germany is ready to cede some sovereignty to strengthen the euro area and restore confidence in the common currency.
SeattleTimes: Gov't puts cost of fuel economy boost at $157B
GlobeAndMail: A divided euro zone unable to put a lid on debt crisis
BusinessInsider: The Fed Made A Weird And Ominous Move This Week
CharlotteObserver: Bank of America issues layoff notices
GlobeAndMail: The industrial age has finally run out of gas: An interview with Don Tapscott
USAToday: Citigroup may cut 3,000 or more jobs
Peak oil and Energy News
TheOilDrum: 2011 ASPO-USA Conference: Day 2
Commodities&Futures: New York Begins Public Hearings on Hydraulic Fracturing
Reuters: Iraq aims to sign $17 bln Shell gas deal next week
CNBC: Oil Soars Past $100, Seaway Reversal to Ease Glut
GlobeAndMail: Central banks make biggest gold buy in decades
Time: Deciding Between Heritage and Hard Cash in Afghanistan
Priceless Buddhist relics have been discovered atop one of the world's biggest untapped copper deposits
Environmental News
M 5.8, Guatemala
M 5.0, Near Coast of Guatemala
M 4.2, Turkey Today: Crews seek survivors as Southeast storm death toll rises to 5
CNN: Suspected tornadoes, storms sweep South
MSNBC: Cough ... the 20 most polluted cities in America - California is a leader in places where sometimes the air isn't fit to breathe
MSNBC: Two youths cross country to combat trash
YahooNews: UN weather agency says La Nina is back - The U.N. weather agency says La Nina conditions re-emerged in August and will likely continue through the rest of 2011 and into early next year. The La Nina phenomenon is characterized by cooler sea surface temperatures in the central and eastern tropical Pacific, greater rainfall in the southern Pacific, and dry conditions in parts of east Africa, southwest Asia and the southern United States. The World Meteorological Organization says La Nina conditions could strengthen to "moderate intensity" but probably will be considerably weaker than the most recent ones linked to flooding and drought in parts of the world. La Ninas — the opposite of El Ninos — normally trigger some extremes, such as flooding in Australia and drought in Texas.
America in Decline
LAT: One in five U.S. adults takes medication for a mental disorder
BlackListedNews: TX Sheriff to deploy drone to watch citizens
IBTimes: College GOP Leader Says Obama Assassination 'Tempting,' Apologizes for Gaffe
MLive: Study: Michigan among states raising poor's taxes
LAT: Many Americans say they will have to work until they're 80
SOTT: "National Disgrace": House GOP Classifies Pizza As A Vegetable To 'Prevent Overly Burdensome' School Lunch Regulations
WashingtonPost: Why aren't Americans moving anymore? - A new Census report finds that the percentage of Americans who are changing residences has dropped to an all-time low.
BusinessInsider: DOUBLE STANDARD: Congress Can Legally Trade On Insider Information While Wall Streeters Go To Jail
CNNMoney: Delaying retirement: 80 is the new 65
WBIRNews: 4 TN congressmen among nation's richest 1%
TheAtlantic: Censoring the Internet Isn't Just for China
WBIRNews: Officers taught to shoot to kill, not wound
SOTT: Guilty Until Proven Innocent: U.S. House Proposes Internet Inquisition
Food and Water
BigPictureAgriculture: 2011 Year End Global Rice Production Report, Plus Rice Production this Decade
YahooNews: Why the World May Be Running Out of Clean Water - Earlier this month, officials in the South Pacific island nation of Tuvalu had to confront a pretty dire problem: they were running out of water. Due to a severe and lasting drought, water reserves in this country of 11,000 people had dwindled to just a few days' worth. So far Tuvalu has been bailed out by its neighbors Australia and New Zealand, which have donated rehydration packets and desalination equipment. But the archipelago's water woes are just beginning — and it's far from the only part of the world facing a big dry. Other island nations like the Maldives and Kiribati will see their groundwater spoil as sea levels rise. Texas, along with much of the American Southwest, is in the grip of a truly record-breaking drought — even after days of storms in the past month, Houston's total 2011 rainfall is still short of its yearly average by a whopping 2 ft., or 60 cm. Australia has experienced severely dry weather for so long, it's not even clear whether the country is in a state of drought, or more worryingly, a new and permanent dry climate that could forever alter life Down Under. "Climate-change impacts on water resources continue to appear in the form of growing influence on the severity and intensity of extreme events," . "Australia's recent extraordinary extreme drought should be an eye-opener for the rest of us." (See photos of the world's water crisis.)
Science and Technology
PopSci: There Is a Super-Entity Inside the Human Brain
Cryptogon: Many Android Phones Ship with Rootkit/Surveillance System Called ‘CarrierIQ’
CNNWhat'sNextBlog: A look at 'the future of science: 2021'
Gizmodo: Why Is China Building These Gigantic Structures In the Middle of the Desert?
CNNMoney: Tech giants fight 'draconian' piracy bill
PopSci: Video: Military Garbage Burner Utterly Destroys Trash, With Tactical Precision
WashingtonPost: Jupiter’s moon Europa: Lake theory boosts hopes for life
PhysOrg: Scientists find evidence for 'great lake' on Jupiter's moon Europa, potential new habitat for life
CosmicLog: Asteroid debate rises to next level
Medical and Health
StratRisks: 893 Turks die in major drug companies’ experiments
NYT: The Broccoli Test
ScientificAmerican: Surety Bond: Breast-Feeding May Increase Children's IQ
MSNBC: Smokers, obese workers penalized with higher health insurance premiumsSome say companies may be increasingly willing to test boundaries of the law because there has been little enforcement
MSNBC: Mystery disease diagnosed at clinic of last resort
Louise Benge finally knows what caused her rock-hard legs and agonizing pain
TheChart: The vicious physiology of stress
MSNBC: New pain sensors explain why snake bites hurt - Finding could help researchers develop drugs to treat bites
Doomsteading, Gardening, Urban Farming
SHTFPlan: Storage Wars: Man Finds $500,000 In Gold and Silver After Purchasing Abandoned Storage Unit at Auction
(dear God, if I lost that I'd have to kill myself!)
Other News
BBC: As China rises, America responds
BusinessInsider: Fangs Are The Latest Beauty Craze In Japan - While kids in the U.S. are asking about braces, girls in Japan are asking the dentist how they can get crooked teeth.
ABCNews: Suspect in Shooting Near White House Arrested
USAToday: Penn State, police deny Paterno assistant reported rape
TheAtlantic: Did Penn State Handle Sex Abuse Better Than The Vatican?
MSNBC: Video: Shady locksmiths preying on the vulnerable
BusinessInsider: How A Comment On An Internet Message Board Broke The Jerry Sandusky Case Wide Open
TheTelegraph: Sarah Palin calls for Penn State coach Jerry Sandusky to be lynchedSarah Palin has called for the lynching of the former Penn State football coach accused of sexually abusing young boys.
AFP: Obama foes pounce on $15 trillion US debt
BusinessInsider: TWO MAN RACE: Gingrich, Romney Tie For Lead, Cain Collapses
MSNBC: Video: What’s behind Gingrich’s ratings rise?
WashingtonPost: Newt Gingrich, on the rise, says, 'Hopefully, I'm going to be more disciplined'
CNN: When are GOP candidates going to take on Herman Cain? - It's hard to remember a presidential candidate who seemed more, er, unacquainted with the national dialogue -- or presidential prerequisites --.
The Forums
TinfoilPalace: Spec-Ops Command: SEAL raid book 'a lie'
TinfoilPalace: Special Need Child Her TeachersTheOilAge: Cain Secretary of State will be Kissinger
TheOilAge: Post office near default? Losses mount to $5.1B
HubbertsArms: Dutch Oven Pics.....(its that time of year again!)
HubbertsArms: New mouthwash may render cavities a thing of the past
SilentCountry: Severe weather, tornado warnings
SilentCountry: The Great Disruption
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