Friday, September 16, 2011

Breaking News Fri. Sept. 16, 2011

getting close to lows in the 40's here in pamland and now I'm starting to think about heating! can you believe that After the summer we've had, I didn't think I'd ever need heat again. LOL
this following story I was going to put in America in Decline but it bothers me so much I wanted to put it up here where it wouldn't be missed.
I'd have a major fit if I had children in school now and they were subjected to this forced terrorism crap.
what do you think?
9/11Investigate: Horrible Terrifying Shooting Rampage at School Turns Out To Be Drill. Man Bursts in Library, Starts Shooting, But Blanks. Nobody Knew.
Monthly Terror Drills Now Required By Law For Students Including Kindergarten And 1st Graders

Thanks to RJ  at Global Glass Onion and  the Ozarker at Conflicted Doomer,  for their contributions and help. Be sure to check out their great blogs today!. RJ will have his excellent weekly wrap up posted this afternoon and if we're lucky, we can look forward to another thoughtful post from my good friend the Ozarker!

Global Conflict
McClatchy: U.S. expands its drug watch list to include all Central America
USAToday: Palestinian officials foresee secular, pluralistic state
TheTelegraph: Kenya kidnapping: British woman being held by terrorist group al-Shabab, say Somalia - Judith Tebbutt, the British woman kidnapped by an armed gang from a Kenyan beach is being held by Islamist group al-Shebab, the Somalian government believes.
BBC: Monterrey casino arson attack policeman's family killed
Gunmen in northern Mexico have shot dead three relatives of a police officer being held over a deadly arson attack on a casino last month.
Reuters: Death toll in Pakistan funeral blast rises to 40
Reuters: Italy Erupting - Protesters Clash With Riot Police Over Austerity Measures 
Italian anti-riot policemen clash with protesters as they demonstrate against the government's economic policy measures near the Italian parliament in Piazza Montecitorio in Rome, Italy, 14 September 2011.
AlJazeera: Abbas to lay out Palestine UN bid
PLO chairman to deliver key address in Ramallah in run-up to bid for full recognition at the United Nations.
AlArabiya: In would-be Palestinian state, a dose of reality 
BBC: Libya conflict: Anti-Gaddafi forces move on Bani Walid
Anti-Gaddafi forces have renewed an assault on the town of Bani Walid, one of the last remaining strongholds of the ousted Libyan leader.
ExtinctionProtocol: Chile battles youth unrest and typhoid fever outbreak
AlJazeera: Growing dissent in Syria
Can street protests bring down the government of President Bashar al-Assad six months after the uprising began?
MSNBC: US urges Americans to leave Syria immediately
Opposition activists form council to create a united front against Assad regime
UPI: Saudis 'eye Pakistani nukes' to face Iran

Financial News
Rollingstone: The $2 Billion UBS Incident: 'Rogue Trader' My Ass
BusinessInsider: Regarding The Market's Questionable Rally....
RealtyTrac: U.S. Foreclosure Activity Increases 7 Percent in August, Defaults Surge 33 Percent
Telegraph: Business must copy the Germans, says George Osborne - Britain must learn from Germany to help small companies grow, George Osborne will declare today at the The Daily Telegraph Festival of Business.
Reuters: WATCH the euro crisis explained with lego 
CharlesHughSmith: The "Perception Management" Economy   (September 15, 2011)
Rather than actually address the fundamental issues at the heart of the "jobless recession," the Status Quo has engaged in a massive campaign of perception management, a.k.a. propaganda.
BusinessInsider: We're Not In A Free-Market World Anymore, And It's The Root Of The Jobs Crisis
TheEconomist: Working harder and hardly hiring  
NakedCapitalism: Matt Stoller: Happy Lehman Brothers Bankruptcy Day 
JMPerry: Mortgage Rates Fall to New Record Lows; In Real Terms You Can Borrow Now for Free at 0% or Less 
SFGate: Greek Second-Quarter Unemployment Rate Rises to Record 16.3%
TheTelegraph: Financial crisis: central banks do not take this kind of action unless something is upWell, bang goes the theory that third anniversaries are generally quiet affairs. You know — nice meal out but no need for a big do. Not if you’re a central banker, apparently.
TheTelegraph: Central banks pump money into market: Q&AStock markets have jumped after the Bank of England joins the Fed, ECB and Bank of Japan to make more dollars available to financial market. Here, we look at how and why they are taking this action.

Economix: Home Prices Are Down, but Rentals Are Rising

NakedCapitalism: The Fed Bails Out Eurobanks Yet Again 
WSJ: Recession Job Losers Take Bigger Hit to Future Earnings
LAT: Consumer prices and jobless claims increase 
AsiaTimes: Uncle Sam doesn't want you  
CNN: More Young Adults Are Poor, Live With Their Parents
Bloomberg: Wall Street Outweighs Investors in Swaps Influence, Gensler Says
Bloomberg: BofA, JPMorgan Fail to Make Fannie Mae Grade for Loan Servicing
JaredBernsteinBlog: Family Income, Size, and Work Hours

Hosted: Greeks fume over property tax demanded by EU, IMF 
BusinessInsider: BTIG: Sorry, But This Is Looking More And More Like 2008 All The Time 
NakedCapitalism: Latest Lame Obama Excuse: “Geithner Blew Me Off” 
Guardian: Financial paralysis is gripping US and EU leaders, Kenneth Clarke claims 
KPMG: Consumer Companies Look Beyond China for Sourcing as China’s Low-cost Advantage Diminishes  
TheEconomist: Jobs are evolving, not becoming obsolete
DOES America really need more jobs? You’d think the answer would be an unambiguous yes. "Media theorist" Douglas Rushkoff questions whether the economy actually requires more jobs, however. He reckons we’ve reached a point where, because of technology, we simply don’t need as many people to produce the same amount of output.
Reuters: Fed set to give economy therapy, not shock treatment - - The Federal Reserve, facing rising global financial strains and recession fears, is poised to increase downward pressure on longer-term interest rates next week in a bid to accelerate a sputtering U.S. recovery.
FinancialSense: William Black: Why Nobody Went to Jail During the Credit Crisis - The FBI is no longer chasing white collar criminals
Telegraph: China to 'liquidate' US Treasuries, not dollars
WashingtonMonthly: PM White House debt-reduction plan coming together
EconoSpeak: Social Security v. the Galveston Plan: the Privatization Debate Redux

Peak oil and Energy News
EnergyBulletin: Cassandra's curse: how "The Limits to Growth" was demonized
Image from an Athenian red vase from 5th century BC, where we see the prophetess Cassandra falling victim of the usual destiny of those who tell inconvenient truths.
NewScientist: Segway inventor dreams up inflatable wind turbine
also see
WJLA: Segway guy's new wonder invention: Inflatable wind turbines
XinhuaNet: China's power consumption up 9.1% in August

Telegraph: Gold could hit $2500/oz next year as debt crisis deepens, says Sprott
NYT: China Consolidates Grip on Rare Earths
UPI: Afghanistan yields rare earth elements 

Environmental News
NPR: Texas Fire Evacuees Return To Find Only Ashes
Reuters: Analysis: BP oil spill report may prompt $30 billion pay-out
LightYears: New species of dolphin discovered off Australia

CNN: Texas rain: 'Like manna from heaven'
Telegraph: Pakistan floods: over a million homes destroyed after heavy monsoon rains
IBTimes: Colourful Dinosaurs Feathers Found In Amber Back Evolution Theories 
WashingtonPost:Over GOP objections, Senate passes $7 billion FEMA bill 
NPR: EPA Postpones Power Plant Emissions Rules
DiscoveryNews: Climate Quitters: Sorry You Lose
CNN: 7.3-magnitude quake strikes in Pacific, near Fiji islands 
 GlobeandMail: Hurricane warning issued for SE coast of Newfoundland

America in Decline
DeclineoftheEmpire: Income Inequality — America Is Like Mexico And The Philippines
MSNBC: Unemployed, he's selling everything to follow in steps of Dust Bowl migrants
Berkeley: Remember, when they say ‘austerity,’ substitute ‘priorities’
When you’re reading Dana Priest and William Arkin’s Top Secret America: The Rise of the New American Security State – just published, but a book length expansion of their reporting for the Washington Post which you can read for free, on explosion of stuff that is classified “Top Secret” – the thing to remember is that we are tearing apart what’s left of the social safety net to pay for stuff like this:
LegitGov: NFL wants pat-downs from ankles up at all stadiums
24/7WallStreet: America’s Poorest States

Food and Water
Bloomberg: Food Inflation Rate Exceeds 9% for Sixth Week, Adding to Pressure on Rates
MSNBC: Famine hits Somalia in world less likely to intervene - Effort in 1990s to forcefully deliver humanitarian aid didn't succeed 
BigPictureAgriculture: In My Backyard: Longmont, Colorado Turkey Processing Plant is Closing Citing Ethanol Subsidies and High Fuel Costs
CNN: Nourishing New York's low-income communities

Science and Technology
NewScientist: Astrophile: The most surreal sunset in the universe
BusinessInsider: Here's Some Identity Theft Protection You Don't Have To Pay For
Kurzweil: Carbon nanoparticles break barriers — and that may not be good
Researchers from the schools of science and medicine at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) have examined the effects of carbon nanoparticles (CNPs) on living cells. This work is among the first to study CNPs at concentrations low enough to mimic the actual exposure of an ordinary individual.
The effects on the human body of exposure to CNPs are just beginning to be revealed. Exposure at the level studied by the IUPUI researchers is approximately equivalent to what might be the result of improperly disposing of an item such as a television or computer monitor containing CNPs, living near a CNP-producing facility, or working with CNPs.
The research focuses on the effect of low concentration CNP exposure on kidney cells. The investigators found significant and potentially worrisome effects.
TheDeal: The end of mass media?

Medical and Health
BBC: An apple or pear a day keeps strokes at bay
Eating lots of fruit and vegetables with white flesh may help to protect against strokes, says a study in the journal Stroke.
MSNBC: 'Corn sugar' is false advertising, FDA warns
Industry attempts image makeover after scientists linked product to health problems 
BBC: Hospital births move has halved newborn deaths in China
MSNBC: Flu deaths caused by 'immune system storm'It's not always the virus that kills but the body's production of molecules called cytokines  
NYT: Withdrawal of Database on Doctors Is Protested
ABCNews: Number of Kids Poisoned by Household Medications Up 28 Percent
Every year, half a million kids age 5 and younger get into household medications and are poisoned. Though parents tend to believe that these tragic accidents will never happen to their kids, Dr. Randall Bond, a leading advocate for better prescription drug safety in the home, is proof that it can happen to anyone. 
BBC: Eyelid marks warn of heart attack
Yellow markings on the eyelids are a sign of increased risk of heart attack and other illnesses, say researchers in the Denmark.
AngryBear: Health Care Thoughts: Please do everything you can.... 
M&C: UN: Medical waste can be dangerous to people worldwide
WBIR: Hamblen Co. officials discover new drug in Morristown
The Hamblen County Sheriff's Department discovered what they are calling "a new drug" in a Morristown home on Wednesday afternoon. Its called Dimethyltriptamine, but known by the street name DMT. The drug causes you to hallucinate, and its effects are compared to those of LSD.
M&C: INTERVIEW: Accidents in Africa, bigger threat than HIV and malaria

Doomsteading, Gardening, Urban Farming
ModernSurvivalBlog: After the EMP comes Nuclear Meltdown
CanadianDoomer: Pears and Financial Security  
ContainerGardening: What can I grow in containers ? (M. STEPHENS / Planet Green)

Other News
Guardian: The culture of hatred for the disabled comes from the top 
The shocking hostility to the sick and disabled in our society is seen just as clearly in official attitudes 

There is little doubt that disability hate crime is on the rise. A recent Equality and Human Rights Commission report concluded that "people with disabilities in the UK face harassment, insult and attack almost as a matter of routine, while a collective denial' among police, government and other public bodies means little is done to challenge the situation".
ImpatientOptimists: Tackling the Rural Sanitation Challenge
What will it take for all people in rural areas to have affordable access to safe, dignified sanitation that they really want to use?
BBC: 'Nearly half of parents' back corporal punishment
Nearly half of parents of secondary school children say corporal punishment such as the cane or slipper should be reintroduced, a survey suggests.
BBC: Paris ban on Muslim street prayers comes into effect
A ban on saying prayers in the street, a practice by French Muslims unable to find space in mosques, has come into effect in the capital, Paris.
BBC: Teenage son of China general sentenced for road rage
UPI: Odd News: Mussolini's clothes to be auctioned

Grist: Tea Party: Don’t build public transit, because the terrorists might attack it
Apparently public transit is now helping the terrorists win. That's according to a Tea Party group in Georgia, at least. The group wants to 86 a light rail project because "when they [THE TERRORISTS!!] blow up a rail, that just brings the system to a grinding halt." So we should not build rail in the first place, because in the event of terrorism it would cease to work. Makes sense!
FDL: It’s a cold winter for the rest of us A-hole
IBTimes: Denmark Votes for Change, Gets its First Female Prime Minister 
StarTribune: Boehner rules out tax hikes in debt talks, urges panel to lay groundwork for tax changes

The Forums
TinfoilPalace:Interesting article on Alex Jones
TinfoilPalace:Most Amazing Alex Jones Rant Ever!
TheOilAge:MSM Slowly Takes Notice 
Hubberts-Arms:And You're Not Invited!!!
Hubberts-Arms:Study: Self-delusion may be a winning survival strategy
SilentCountry: Bank of America=BAD FOR AMERICA
SilentCountry:The Beginning of the End for Suburban America

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