Monday, October 10, 2011

Breaking News Mon. Oct. 10, 2011

Well, well, well. Lookie here...
WashingtonPost: Conservative journalist says he infiltrated, escalated D.C. museum protest
A conservative journalist has admitted to infiltrating the group of protesters who clashed with security at the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum on Saturday — and he openly claims to have instigated the events that prompted the museum to close.
Patrick Howley, an assistant editor at the American Spectator, says that he joined the group under the pretense that he was a demonstrator. “As far as anyone knew I was part of this cause — a cause that I had infiltrated the day before in order to mock and undermine in the pages of The American Spectator,” Howley wrote. (The language in the story has since been changed without explanation.)

 Also sent in by RJ this morning as well.
FDL: American Spectator Editor Admits to Being Agent Provocateur at D.C. Museum

and the Ozarker as well.
ThinkProgress: UPDATE: Conservative Writer Admits ‘Infiltrating’ 99 Percent Movement To ‘Mock And Undermine’ It

genius minds, thinking alike this morning! LOL
hey, I don't know much about these things, but, isn't what that guy did against the law? Inciting a riot or something like that?

I hope everyone had a good weekend. It's been beautiful autumn weather here for days! Such wonderful color this year too. Don't forget to check out the forums linked at the bottom of this post for up to the minute news and discussion, also thanks to RJ  at Global Glass Onion and  the Ozarker at Conflicted Doomer,  for their contributions and help. Be sure to check out their great blogs today!.

Global Conflict

FDL: Republicans Scramble to Side with Wall Street over Main Street
RawStory: GOP Rep: ‘We can’t allow’ more coverage of Occupy Wall Street 
DailyBail: GOP Rep Peter King: "We Can’t Allow More Coverage Of Occupy Wall Street, Or They Will Win" 
Kunstler: Occupy Everything
"Recession Officially Over," The New York Times' lead headline declared around 7 o'clock this morning. (Watch: they'll change it.) That was Part A. Part B said, "US Incomes Kept Falling." Welcome to What-The-Fuck Nation. I suppose if you include the cost of things like the number of auto accident victims transported by EMT squads as part of your Gross Domestic Product such contradictions to reality are possible. Elizabeth Kübler-Ross, where are you when we really need you?
IBTimes: Occupy Wall Street: start of a new protest era? 
SFGate: Occupy SF camp broken up by police
ExtinctionProtocol: US protesters clash with guards in nation’s capitol - October 9, 2011 – WASHINGTON – Protesters clashed with security staff when they tried to enter a museum in Washington on Saturday, prompting one guard to use pepper spray and leading to at least one arrest, a spokeswoman said.
NakedCapitalism: Alan Grayson Shreds P.J. O’Rourke on #OccupyWallStreet - One of the intriguing things about the commentary by the media and political operatives on OccupyWallStreet is how often they try to denigrate it, usually via ridicule and attacks on the appearance or presumed demographics of the participants. The underlying message is that the protestors are slovenly unproductive losers and hence have nothing in common with respectable middle class people. That flies in the face of the evidence on the ground, where the crowd in Zuccotti Park has gotten to be both older and more mixed ethnically than it was at its inception, and many of the Occupy demonstrations in other cities have solid representation of the middle aged and retirees.  The efforts to discredit OWS are intriguing and reveal a deep seated sense of vulnerability among the powers that be. Even if OWS does not mature into a political force, it is already having an impact, by shifting the nature of discourse and unearthing rotting corpses that the top 1% and their allies in the chattering classes hoped to keep buried: the fact that ordinary citizens have been on the wrong side of the greatest transfer of wealth in history, and virtually all of their supposed protectors stood by or had their hands in the till. No wonder those at the top of the food chain feel so threatened. Alan Grayson does an effective job of kneecapping one of these typical attacks, this one from P.J. O”Rourke: (video)
AddictingInfo: As Marines Occupy Wall Street, Republican Rep. Paul Broun Calls Protests ‘An Attack Upon Freedom’
BusinessInsider: They Should Be Occupying K Street
FDL: Audience Cheers as Grayson Explains Occupy Wall Street to Maher, Guests
PalmBeachPost: 'Occupy Wall Street' movement stages first rally in Palm Beach County
McClatchyBlog: Leaving China for a couple weeks. But first, a threat
here's a link to the article referenced above
GlobalTimes: Time to teach those around South China Sea a lesson 
SHTFPlan: It Won’t Be An Accident: The Build Up to World War III 
RawStory: Israeli cabinet approves economic reforms in response to mass protests 
NPR: Clashes Spark Outrage Among Egypt's Christians
Cryptogon/Reuters: Egypt: 25 Dead After Government Runs Vehicles Into ProtestersEgyptian Christians mourned their dead and berated the army on Monday after at least 25 people were killed when troops crushed a protest about an attack on a church in the worst violence since the uprising that toppled Hosni Mubarak.
Armored personnel carriers sped into the crowd late on Sunday to break up the demonstrators near the state television building. Videos posted on the Internet showed mangled bodies. Activists said corpses had been crushed by the vehicles.
TheAtlantic: America's New War with Pakistan
WashingtonPost: Pakistan seeks an update on Raymond Davis 
NPR: Riots Erupt In Cairo Over Church Attack, 1 Killed 
UPI: Rand studies potential U.S.-China clashes
SeattlePI: Palestinian killed in Gaza blast 
Independent: 24 killed in clashes with troops as violence returns to Tahrir Square 
Time: Inside Cairo's Bloodletting: The Egyptian Junta's True Colors 
CNN: U.N.: Torture in Afghan prisons
(CNN) -- Authorities in some Afghan prisons are torturing detainees into confessions, using methods that meet the international definition of torture, according to a new U.N. report.
"Detainees described experiencing torture in the form of suspension (being hung by the wrists from chains or other devices attached to the wall, ceiling, iron bars or other fixtures for lengthy periods) and beatings, especially with rubber hoses, electric cables or wires or wooden sticks and most frequently on the soles of the feet. Electric shock, twisting and wrenching of detainees' genitals, stress positions including forced standing, removal of toenails and threatened sexual abuse were among other forms of torture that detainees reported.
"Routine blindfolding and hooding and denial of access to medical care in some facilities were also reported. UNAMA documented one death in government custody due to torture in April 2011, the report says.
ZeroHedge: Guest Post: Sausage The Riot Dog Coming To America?  

Hacker News
WiredDangerRoom: Computer Virus Hits U.S. Drone Fleet - A computer virus has infected the cockpits of America’s Predator and Reaper drones, logging pilots’ every keystroke as they remotely fly missions over Afghanistan and other warzones.
LegitGov: After WikiLeaks, US tries to shield classified data
WSJ: Secret Orders Target Email WikiLeaks Backer's Information Sought
MSNBC: Report: US got secret order to snoop on WikiLeaks - Feds can clandestinely obtain information from people's email and cellphones without a search warrant   
Slate: Obama to Issue "WikiLeaks" Executive Order - The move is aimed at tightening security in the wake of the massive leak of classified government documents.

Financial News
AlterNet: Study: Wealthy Stockbrokers More Dangerous Than Psychopaths - The findings are a reminder of why now -- more than ever -- we must refuse to succumb to political apathy and laissez-faire demagoguery.
ZeroHedge: Berlusconi Blames Stock Market Volatility On Cocaine Abuse By Traders
AtlanticCities: How Suburban Sprawl Works Like a Ponzi Scheme
Spiegel: The Ticking Euro Bomb - What Options Are Left for the Common Currency?
DailyBail: "End The Fed, Stop The Stealth Goldman Sachs Bailout!"
TruthDig: Nine Wall Street Big Shots Who Cashed In on the Crisis
ZeroHedge: Did Foreigners Bail Out The US Stock Market... By Dumping $56 Billion In Treasurys?
Bloomberg: China’s Stocks Drop to Two-Year Low After Banks, Property Developers Slump
BusinessInsider: Here's The Chart That Will Get Obama Fired
SHTFPlan: Economic Apocalypse Goes Mainstream: Meltdown In Two To Three Weeks; It Will Spread Everywhere; Most Serious Financial Crisis Ever; Worse Than Great Depression
ExtinctionProtocol: Financial Meltdown: The men who crashed the world – video
MSNBC: Jobless seek help fighting hiring discrimination - Obama employment bill would prohibit companies from turning down unemployed applicants
Investopedia: 5 Things You Shouldn't Do During A Recession
MotherJones: Rich People Create Jobs! - And five other myths that must die for our economy to live. 
Bloomberg: U.S. Corporate Profit Rebound Loses Steam 
BusinessInsider: Here's What Needs To Happen For The Renminbi To Become A Global Currency 
BBC: Dexia bank gets massive bailout - France, Belgium and Luxembourg are to bail out the troubled bank Dexia, following fears it could go bankrupt.
NYT: Recession Officially Over, U.S. Incomes Kept Falling
Reuters: Banks to be forced to bolster liquid assets: FT - Global banking regulators will press ahead with the first worldwide effort to force banks to hold more liquid assets, the chairman of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision said in an interview with the Financial Times on Monday.
RollingStone: Attorneys General Settlement: The Next Big Bank Bailout? 
NewDeal2.0: To Tax the Rich, Stop Arguing About Who’s “Rich” 
CreditSlips: Consumer Credit Levels Reach Their Lowest Point in over a Year 

Peak oil and Energy News
EnergyBulletin: Peak oil - Oct 8
tweeted Sunday by Oil and Gas Invest
Goldman Sachs says crude oil inventories outside of the U.S. have been drawn down to their lowest level in nearly a decade
Bloomberg: California’s Underground Hot Rocks Probed for Energy of 100 Nuclear Plants
Bloomberg: Gasoline Cargoes to U.S. to Slide 35% on European Refinery Maintenance
NPR: Official: Blasts Target Oil Pipelines In Iraq
Reuters: Insight - Libyan oil export flow a trickle, not a gush
Bloomberg: Al-Naimi Says Oil Market Is Not Oversupplied, Demand Fluctuates
UPI: OPEC faces new Iran-Saudi clash
EnergyBulletin: Commentary: Weak world GDP growth & “peak oil”

ZeroHedge: The Dutch Central Bank Answers 10 Questions About Its Gold
IBTimes: Morning Platinum Market Report

Environmental News
Mashable: What Banks and Lenders Know About You From Social MediaMany Americans may be unaware that their social media conversations and posts are providing banks and lenders with a treasure trove of information. In fact, a growing number of banks and lenders are currently building a data repository – collecting, storing and analyzing data – in the hopes that one day it could help them determine your potential credit risk and also tailor marketing directly to you. 
ExtinctionProtocol: Underwater eruption taking place off the coast of El Hierro
ClimateChangePsychology: The real price of oil: Keystone XL pipeline corruption investigation 
MotherJones: A Giant Pipeline Carrying Dirty Oil From Canada to Texas. What Could Go Wrong?
CNN: Hurricane Jova packs 120 mph winds
MSNBC: Floods leave hundreds dead in Cambodia and Thailand
SoTT: BP Buying-Off Entire University Marine Science Departments Boston breaks 69-year temperature record 
MSNBC: Unseasonable Warmth Brings Crowds Back to Coney Island 
ThinkProgress: Masters on “Unprecedented” Arctic Ozone Hole: Inaction Risks “Future Nasty Climate Change Surprises Far More Serious”
DesdemonsDespair: 2010 Amazon drought released more carbon than India’s annual emissions
TheExtinctionProtocol: 2011: A record-breaking year for natural disasters in the U.S.
ExtinctionProtocol: Christchurch, NZ rattled by more tremors
MeteoriteHunters: Alert- NEOs Close Approach May Bring More October Fireballs 9OCT2011 
ExtinctionProtocol: Astrophysics and extinctions: News about planet-threatening events
RSOE: A meteorite chose the roof of a house belonging to a Mrs Comette in the southern suburbs of Paris to make its acquaintance with the planet Earth. The astral surprise hit the roof of the home in Draveil while the Comettes themselves were on holiday. On returning they discovered the encounter after a water leak led them to the roof, reported newspaper France Soir. "We got the roofer out and he was amazed" said Martine Comette. "He said you'd have to be superman to break a roof tile like that. It must be a meteorite." The roofer was proved right when Alain Carion, a mineral scientist, authenticated the 88 gram meteorite. He described is as a "stone of black crusted rock which characterizes its passage through the atmosphere." "This is super rare," he said. "There have been only 50 meteorite falls in France over the last four centuries." The scientist believes the egg-shaped meteorite came from the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. The meteorite that hit the Comettes was small-fry compared to some of the largest ever discovered. The biggest meteorite is believed to be the Hoba, a 60-tonne boulder which fell in Namibia around 80,000 years ago. Meteorites can sell for up to €1,000 per gramme ($1,357), but the Comettes plan to keep hold of theirs. "It's the history of life on Earth that fell in my garden," said Mrs Comette, "a bit of fascinating space history that we know nothing about."

America in Decline
ProjectCensored: Private Prison Companies Fund Anti–Immigrant Legislation
NYT: Secret U.S. Memo Made Legal Case to Kill a Citizen 
NextGov: FBI to launch nationwide facial recognition service
BlackListedNews: FBI to launch nationwide facial recognition service
LAT: Sheriff Baca reopens cases of alleged inmate abuse by deputies [Updated]
Among the cases Baca said his department would reopen is that of a top rookie sheriff's deputy who abruptly resigned after he was allegedly forced by his supervisor to beat a mentally disabled inmate inside Twin Towers jail. In that case, The Times has reported, the rookie’s uncle, a sheriff’s gang detective, was so upset about what his nephew was put through that he allegedly threatened to "put a bullet" in the supervisor’s head.
ABCNews: Is Alabama Immigration Law Creating a 'Humanitarian Crisis'?
CrooksAndLiars: GOP House Committee Pursues Draconian Drug Law That Will Apply In Other Countries
LAT: Alabama's immigration law prompts alarm
The bulk of the law, the nation's strictest, is now in effect. Some praise it as 'attrition through enforcement'; others see a humanitarian crisis.
RawStory: Immigrant kids shun Alabama schools over tough law

Food and Water
ActivistPost: Court documents reveal LA County used infiltration agents, hidden cameras, extreme surveillance to target Rawesome Foods
NPR: In Peru, A Hunt For Chocolate Like You've Never Tasted It

Science and Technology
Wired: Rise of the Machines: Why We Keep Coming Back to H.G. Wells’ Visions of a Dystopian Future
WiredDangerRoom: Alex Rodriguez's favorite Raytheon offering  
Wired: Clive Thompson on Memory Engineering

Medical and Health
WSJ: Where Will The Next Pandemic Come From?
To intercept killer viruses, we need to monitor 'viral chatter' in the wilds of Central Africa and Southeast Asia
MSNBC: Shocking ending: Implanted defibrillators can bring misery to final hours
BusinessInsider: Insomnia Is Costing The US Workforce $63 Billion Per Year
HuffingtonPost: Why Medical Prescriptions May Be Killing Thousands of Americans Every Year
MSNBC: New recall of alcohol wipes raises larger question: Dump non-sterile products?

Doomsteading, Gardening, Urban Farming
CanadianDoomer: Food Storage Friday
Grist: This amazing off-grid hobbit house cost less than $5,000 to build
ModernSurvivalBlog: What Kind of Survivalist are You?
Grist: Kickstarting on-demand heirloom produce
ChrisMartenson: Carolyn Baker: Emotional Resilience Is Essential In Turbulent Times 
CanadianDoomer: The Right Tool For the Job - This post was supposed to be about making sure your car, if you have one, is prepped for winter. However, it's going to to be about a few things.

Other News
Salon: Steve Jobs and drug policy  - It’s fascinating to juxtapose America’s reverence for Steve Jobs’ accomplishments and its draconian drug policy with this, from the New York Times‘ obituary of Jobs:
    [Jobs] told a reporter that taking LSD was one of the two or three most important things he had done in his life. He said there were things about him that people who had not tried psychedelics — even people who knew him well, including his wife — could never understand.
Unlike many people who have enjoyed success, Jobs is not saying that he was able to succeed despite his illegal drug use; he’s saying his success is in part — in substantial part — because of those illegal drugs (he added that Bill Gates would “be a broader guy if he had dropped acid once”). 
Archaeology: World's oldest temples may not be temples after all
Ancient structures uncovered in Turkey and thought to be the world's oldest temples may not have been strictly religious buildings after all, according to an article in the October issue of Current Anthropology. Archaeologist Ted Banning of the University of Toronto argues that the buildings found at Göbekli Tepe may have been houses for people, not the gods.
ArchaeologyNewsNetwork: Aboriginal Stonehenge: Stargazing in ancient Australia
NYT: Why German Shepherds Have Had Their Day
Take the German shepherd. Originally bred to the exacting standards of a German cavalry officer, it became one of the 20th century’s most popular working breeds. But in recent years that popularity, and the overbreeding that came with it, has driven the German shepherd into eclipse: even the police in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia, who had relied on the dogs for years, recently announced they were replacing them with Belgian Malinois, because the less-popular Malinois were hardier and more reliable.
CSMonitor: Taxpayers grumpy about funding professional sports stadiums
The Minnesota Vikings are facing opposition to the latest plan for a massive-taxpayer funded stadium.

BusinessInsider: Nancy Pelosi Backs Occupy Wall Street Message, Tells Eric Cantor To Shove It
TheAtlantic: Romney's Realist Foreign Policy Is a Lot Like Obama's
MotherJones: Why are Republicans determined to snuff the recovery?Among the many ritual ablutions a Republican presidential contender must perform is the signing of Grover Norquist's "Taxpayer Protection Pledge," a document the length and subtlety of a bumper sticker that commits politicians to oppose "any and all efforts to increase taxes." To date, all the GOP hopefuls, save Jon Huntsman, have signed on, as have 238 House members (99 percent of the GOP caucus), 41 senators, and more than 1,200 state legislators (PDF).
BusinessInsider: Ron Paul Accused Of Stuffing Straw Poll Ballot Boxes
The Baseline Scenario: Straight Out of Antiquity

The Forums
TinfoilPalace:The Twelve Links of Dependent Arising
TinfoilPalace:the REAL reason why they haven't been back to the Moon
TheOilAge:SWAT Prevents People from withdrawing money from BOA!
Hubberts-Arms:Occupy WS "This Isn't A Joke! Media Would Be Well Advised To Take This SeriouslySilentCountry: Who says there are no new jobs out there?
SilentCountry:Greek Firewall almost done

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