TED: Less stuff, more happiness: Graham Hill on TED.com - Writer and designer Graham Hill asks: Can having less stuff, in less room, lead to more happiness? He makes the case for taking up less space, and lays out three rules for editing your life.
Thanks to RJ at Global Glass Onion and the Ozarker at Conflicted Doomer, for their contributions and help. Make sure to visit their blogs and support their work. Also, check out the forums linked at the bottom and join in the fun!
DesdemonaDespair: Hot spots and blind spots: The mounting human costs of Japan’s nuclear disaster
Global Conflict
CBSNews: Protesters marching to N.Y. millionaires' homes
On Sunday, Oct. 9, 2011, a coalition of clergy carried a "False Idol" to the Occupy Wall Street encampment in Lower Manhattan's Zuccotti Park. (AP Photo/Henny Ray Abrams)
MotherJones: Arrests and Pepper Spray at Occupy Des Moines—Governor Faults Protestors
WashingtonPost: Occupy Boston: Veterans clash with police, scores arrested - Scores of protesters from the Occupy Boston movement were arrested in the early hours of Tuesday morning, including a group of veterans, in one of the largest mass arrests in recent Boston history.
SunTimes: Chicago protesters march against groups ‘that wrecked the economy’
RawStory: Police allegedly attacked military veterans, arrested 50 others with Occupy Boston
WarIsACrime: Freedom Plaza Is Now Ours
RawStory: Afghanistan opium production set to rise 61%: UN
BusinessInsider: Bloomberg Says Occupy Wall Street Protests Can Continue Indefinitely
HuffingtonPost: Listen to the Occupy Wall Street Movement
MSNBC: About 100 arrested as police break up Occupy Boston protest camp - Demonstrators: 'Who do you protect, who do you serve?'
NPR: U.N. Report: Detainees Were Tortured In Afghanistan
Hacker News
LegitGov: DoJ's WikiLeaks Probe Widens to Include Gmail, ISP
SeattlePI: Iraqi officials say string of explosions kills at least 10 people in western Baghdad
TheStar: Egypt’s military vows to get tough after clashes kill 26
TheTelegraph: Libyan fighters seize Gaddafi's luxury cars in Sirte - Fighters loyal to Libya's National Transitional Council (NTC) show off a pair of convertibles believed to have belonged to deposed leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi.
Financial News
MyBudget360: The wonder years – over 70 percent of GDP comes from personal consumption. For the past decade home equity and credit from other sources fueled growth because of falling household incomes. What happens when credit contracts and home equity evaporates?
RitHoltz: Huge Employment Chart Roundup
BusinessInsider: 13 Brutal Charts On The Fall Of Household Income During The So-Called Recovery
EconomicsofContempt: On the Leaked Volcker Rule
BusinessInsider: A Majority Of Americans Believe Another 2008-Like Financial Crisis Is 'Fairly Likely' To Come
BusinessInsider: Why Credit Card Swipe Fees Are Bad For Your Wallet
CNNMoney: Stocks: The bears are back - NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- After months of sticking to their positive outlook for the stock market, Wall Street experts are finally throwing in the towel.
Sacbee: Banks parking more cash with European Central Bank - Banks are parking more money overnight with the European Central Bank in a sign the eurozone debt crisis is unsettling the banking system.
Gallup: Vast Majority Of College Graduates Are Employed
WBJ: ECB offers emergency loans for banks under fire - In a bid to help steady the euro zone, the European Central Bank has pledged to provide banks with access to unlimited one-year emergency loans.
Bloomberg: Goldman Sachs Earnings Collapse, Wells Fargo Thrives
Bloomberg: Trichet Sees ‘Systemic’ Danger as Greek Writedowns Divide EU
BusinessInsider: The Human Brain Is Not Wired For Keynesianism
CNN: Europe bank rescue is not enough
Bloomberg: Trichet Says Euro Crisis Has Reached ‘Systemic Dimension’
AsiaTimes: Fighters duel for Japan air defense contract - TOKYO - Across the globe, defense industry players, military experts and potential adversaries are eagerly watching Japan's decision on its next mainstay fighter jet.
AlsoSprachAnalysis: Internationalisation Of Chinese Yuan And The Historical Precedents
IndiaInfoLine: Moody’s threatens to downgrade Belgium - Moody’s Investor Service has warned that it may downgrade Belgium's local and foreign currency government bond ratings on increased sovereign debt risk in Europe.
Multiplier-Effect: Man Cannot Live by Fed Alone
CapitalGainsAndGames: Are You Really Surprised Super Committee Is Having Lots Of Trouble?
Economix: Behind a Surprising Income Trend - Anyone with detailed knowledge of the annual Census Bureau data on household income may be surprised by the new study in today’s Times. From the article: Between June 2009, when the recession officially ended, and June 2011, inflation-adjusted median household income fell 6.7 percent, to $49,909, according to a study by two former Census Bureau officials. During the recession — from December 2007 to June 2009 — household income fell 3.2 percent.
DeclineoftheEmpire: Enshrining Student Debt Slavery Into Law
Reuters: Chart of the day, median income edition
WSJ: Downgrading Triple-B Recovery to Triple-C Crisis
NYT: Your Economic Outlook: Mixed Up
McClatchy: After immigration raid, California nursery questions U.S. policy
WashingtonPost: Companies use fuzzy math in job claims; candidates still buy in
MoneyWatch: How to Get a Job Using Google
Peak oil and Energy News
DownwardSpiral: So What Happens if the "Bumpy Plateau" Lasts for Another Decade? (we count our lucky stars, that's what happens. :D )
Platts: China extends resource tax on oil and gas to entire country: report
CSMonitor: Energy: how to pray about it (I thought at first this article was satire, but it's not)
If, for example, the fear is that energy-policy changes will lead to job loss, then we can look to the enlightenment that prayer offers in any situation. Mary Baker Eddy, who founded the Monitor, wrote, “If you wish to know the spiritual fact, you can discover it by reversing the material fable...” (“Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,” p. 129). To find the spiritual fact, we can recognize that God, infinite Mind, is the ultimate and boundless source of both energy and activity – employment – for all of His creation. His inspired ideas are complete in themselves, and include no damaging or detrimental element. As we follow His direction, we can expect to find answers to today’s energy and environmental needs, including secure, stable jobs.TheBarrel: Platts-Oil Council podcast(s): Alaska is the theme
Reuters: U.S. refinery margins soar 24 pct- Credit Suisse
Grist: What the Nobel Prize tells us about oil
Mineweb: Rio Tinto to surrender 51% stake in Zimbabwe diamond unit - According to Zimbabwean state media, the miner has told the Zimbabwean government it will give a 51% stake in its Murowa diamond unit to locals as part of the country's local ownership law.
Mineweb: China installs gold vending machine, plans 2,000 more - With plans to roll out 2,000 more throughout the country, the Beijing Agricultural Commercial Bank officially installed its first gold ATM during the Chinese National day holiday.
BusinessWeek: Merkel Aims to Sign Rare Earths Deal With Mongolia Next Week - Chancellor Angela Merkel will seek to strike a deal on resources with the Mongolian government during a trip to Ulan Bator next week that secures access to rare-earth elements at fair prices, a German government official said.
Mineweb: China's iron ore demand to remain robust - Rio Tinto CEO - Rio Tinto's Tom Albanese does not foresee significant changes in China's iron ore demand profile in the next few months, but rather expects good demand for the company's products in the country.
Environmental News
ExtinctionProtocol: Red Alert issued in El Hierro town as underwater volcano erupts
OPBNews: Nuclear relic - The scale of operations at the Hanford Site, scene of a multi-billion-dollar cleanup of a half-century of accumulated hazardous waste, cannot fail to impress.
IBTimes: Scientists Hope To Find New Life In Antarctic Underground Lake
TheGuardian: Bee thought to be extinct found in East Sussex - Study discovers a species of bee believed to be extinct in Britain for 65 years
MSNBC: Gulf shrimp are scarce this season, as are answers - 'A lot of people say it's this, it's that, it's too hot, it's too cold, it's BP ... we just don’t know'
BBC: Oil spill is N Zealand's 'worst maritime disaster'
BBc: Afghanistan appeals for aid as drought looms - Afghanistan is appealing for $142m (£92m) to feed 2.6 million people this winter as it faces the worst drought for a decade.
BBC: Go-ahead for UK nuclear programme - The Fukushima disaster provides no reason to restrict UK nuclear reactors or stop building new ones, the official nuclear regulator has concluded.
Guardian: Lake Imja: a climate disaster waiting to happen - video - Suzanne Goldenberg talks to local people and scientists about the threat posed by Lake Imja, a vast lake 5,100m high in the Himalayas that is being formed as glaciers melt
TheAtlantic: Russia's Worsening Demographic Crisis - The country's plunging population crisis -- low birth rates and high death rates -- has serious implications for the future of the world's largest nation
DesdemonaDespair: Shellfish harvesters plagued by acidic ‘dead muds’
America in Decline
ProjectCensored: More US Soldiers Committed Suicide Than Died in Combat
CNNMoney: Millions to lose unemployment benefits if Congress doesn't act
USAToday: GM CEO Dan Akerson defends lower pay for new workers
Wired: Calif. Governor Veto Allows Warrantless Cellphone Searches
YahooNews: NYPD infiltration of colleges raises privacy fears
Food and Water
McClatchy: Families tighten belts as food prices soar
SeattleTimes: UN: Food prices likely to remain volatile, high - Prices for rice, wheat and other key foods are expected to remain volatile and possibly increase - and poor farmers and consumers particularly in Africa will be hurt most, the U.N. food agencies said Monday.
Wheat Walking at the Kansas State Fair
MSNBC: US food supply threatened: Foreign insects, diseases got into US post 9/11
'Whether they know it or not, every person in the country is affected by this,' scientist says
LAT: Texas driving its cattle north amid drought - The herds are thin and weak after trying to survive on dry grass. Ranchers are shipping them out to verdant land in Nebraska, Colorado and elsewhere, hoping to preserve their trademark brands.
IowaPublicTV: Heat Creates Dangers for Farmers at Harvest Time
Bloomberg: Food-Price Declines Won’t Help Feed Hungry as Dollar Strengthens
Science and Technology
PopSci: Awesome but Creepy Japanese Product of the Day: Realistic 3-D Face Replicas
Today in somewhat creepy Japanese tech: a company called REAL-f is creating what it calls 3DPFs--that’s 3-D Photo Forms--of human faces that generate uncannily realistic replicas of faces in a kind of vinyl-resin. The result is either a mask-style replica or a full mannequin head that is accurate down to the blood vessels in the eyes.
CosmicLog: Balloons built for future frontiers
PopSci: Navy’s Distinctly UFO-Like X-47B War Drone Makes First Flight in Cruise Mode
KurzweilAI: Government aims to build a ‘Data Eye in the Sky’ - Social scientists are trying to mine the vast resources of the Internet — Web searches and Twitter messages, Facebook, and blog posts, the digital location trails generated by billions of cellphones — to do what Isaac Asimov invented in his “Foundation” series: psychohistory, a new science that combined mathematics and psychology to predict the future.
BBC: Germany spyware: Minister calls for probe of state use - Germany's justice minister has called for a national and state level probe into the use of controversial computer software to spy on people.
ArchaeologyNewsNetwork: Women warriors of Japan - The archaeological evidence, meager though it is," writes historian Stephen Turnbull in "Samurai Women 1184-1877" (2010), "tantalizingly suggests a wider female involvement in battle than is implied by written accounts alone."
IBTimes: Ancient Giant Sea Monster Kraken Probably Ate Ichthyosaur For Breakfast
Medical and Health
M&C: Two children die of bird flu on Indonesia's Bali
CNN: OCD in children: 'A darkness has overtaken me'
Time: Birth and Death: Afghanistan's Struggles with Maternal Mortality
PopSci: Optimism Is a Brain Defect, According to Functional MRI Scans
M&C: Memories come in packages - eight times a second
MSNBC: Torn corneas, vision problems follow 'stealth recall' of contact lenses
Doomsteading, Gardening, Urban Farming
ModernSurvivalBlog: Essential Hand Tools Without Electricity
SHTFPlan: The Shovel and Hole Maneuver For Hiding Gold, Guns and Other Assets
Other News
SciNewsBlog: Hardware store has "Zombie Preparedness Center"
Guardian: Antelope crashes into cyclist during race - video - Mountain-biker Evan van der Spuy, 17, was hit by a red hartebeest buck during a race at Albert Falls Dam in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa. The incident was filmed by his South African team mate, Travis Walker, who can be heard warning Van der Spuy to 'watch the buck'. Van der Spuy received hospital treatment but did not suffer serious injury
(Honestly, I had to laugh. I'm sorry.
StrategyPage: China Takes An Expensive Hit - October 11, 2011: Russian sales of AL-31 jet engines to China have surpassed a thousand, with the addition of several new orders this year. This is because China wants to expand its fleet of modern jet fighters (J-10 and J-11), and keep pilots in the air often enough to develop and maintain combat skills. That wears out engines fasr. Another reason for the continued orders is persistent Chinese difficulties in developing jet engine manufacturing capabilities. China has been especially keen on freeing itself from dependence on Russian high-performance jet engines for its top-line jet fighters. That has not been happening.
Spiegel: A 'Stage for Resistance' - Iranian Protesters Skirt Censors at Soccer Games
With the regime continuing its crackdown on demonstrations, anti-government protesters in Iran have taken their protests inside soccer stadiums. Police can't conduct mass arrests in the arenas and the stadiums have become a safer venue for protesters than the streets, an Iranian sports journalist explains.
CBSNews: Iranian actress reportedly faces jail, lashing
(see what happens when religion takes over government? This is where the US is headed if we don't wake up. Soon.)
Helium: Rare coins: Why your pocket change may be worth a small fortune
Next stop, bottom of the barrel. McClatchy: Joe the Plumber in bid to become Joe the Congressman
Bloomberg: Cain Campaign Soars as Republicans Hunt for Someone to Love
TheOval: Records: Obama used Romney as health care model'
Spoken like a spoiled millionaire!
BusinessInsider: Mitt Romney, Judd Gregg: Leave Wall Street Alone - Mitt Romney wasted no time defending Wall Street today, coming out strongly against the growing Occupy Wall Street movement.
TheNewYorker: State for Sale - A conservative multimillionaire has taken control in North Carolina, one of 2012’s top battlegrounds.
NYT: The Myth of Voter Fraud
The Forums
TinfoilPalace:Will we all be tweaking our own genetic code?
TinfoilPalace:Remote Behavioral Influence Technology Evidence
TheOilAge:To Make a Light Bulb
TheOilAge:HLS uses algorithms to predict behaviour
Hubberts-Arms:Legacy of a Decade at War: One Million Jobless Veterans
SilentCountry: US Economic Collapse Survial Map
SilentCountry:Nuclear Doom - the overpopulation solution is already here
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