Good Monday everyone!! Hey, check it out, we got a new member! The most excellent poet Benjamin the Donkey! You know, Ben has probably written hundreds of limericks over the past few years and each and every one is like a precious gem. Check out Ben's blog, you'll be glad you did!
HuffingtonPost: Polo-playing Mogul Adopts His Girlfriend As His Daughter
HuffingtonPost: Polo-playing Mogul Adopts His Girlfriend As His Daughter
(ex squeeze me?)
A wealthy Florida man has adopted his 42-year-old girlfriend as a daughter in a move critics say will protect the man's assets during an upcoming lawsuit surrounding a deadly car accident.
Polo Club Palm Beach founder John Goodman, 48, adopted his longtime partner Heather Laruso Hutchins in October, The Palm Beach Post reports.
The strategy could shore up Goodman's wealth as he confronts a wrongful death lawsuit filed by the parents of Scott Patrick Wilson, The Associated Press says. Wilson was killed in 2010 when Goodman allegedly ran a stop sign. The trial begins March 27.
Oh, and this just in! Here's RJ's post at FDL!
FDL: recent housing prices & policy, the january unemployment report, et al
Much thanks to RJ at the Global Glass Onion and the Ozarker at Conflicted Doomer for their help today!
Also, a friend from one of the forums tried to make a donation and found the donate button didn't work. I checked it and it worked for me, but when hub got home and he checked, it didn't work for him either.
Is anyone else having this problem?
I even reinstalled the paypal button but it's still not working for hub.
I use firefox and he was using safari and chrome, he downloaded firefox and tried it and it still didn't work.
Guess I'll email paypal today and see what they say. If anyone here has any ideas please post them in the comment section or email me.
Hosted: AFP: US ex-diplomat pulls no punches on Japan — US diplomats typically are unfailingly polite and reverential towards their countries of expertise and, upon retirement, go away quietly into research or business. Not so with Kevin Maher. Since he was unceremoniously removed from his position last year, the veteran US diplomat on Japan has gone on the offensive with biting criticism on issues from Tokyo's political paralysis to the Fukushima nuclear disaster.
GriffithReview: What does Fukushima mean?
Global Conflict
Time: Massacre in Syria: Reports of Hundreds Killed in Homs, While Diplomats Fiddle at the U.N.
McClatchy: Taliban responsible for 77% of civilian casualties in Afghanistan, U.N. says
RawStory: Cash-strapped Europe struggles to up military might
WashingtonPost: Egypt to prosecute Americans in NGO probe
JerusalemPost: Iran warns neighbors not to facilitate strike against it
McClatchy: Three more Tibetans immolate themselves in apparent protest
RawStory: U.S. to move 4,700 Marines from Japan to Guam: reports
Reuters: Iran threatens to hit any country used to attack its soil
VOA: Russia, China Defend Syria Resolution Veto, US Calls Move 'Travesty'
CBBSNews; Syria forces pound opposition; 33 killed
Iran Sanctions Plan Targets Oil Companies, Tanker Fleet to Slash Business - A U.S. proposal to sanction Iran’s state-owned oil company and its main tanker fleet may ensnare any person or business in the world involved in purchasing or shipping Iranian oil. Proponents say hobbling the oil revenue of Iran, the No. 2 producer in the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, is the best way to forestall military action by Israel or the U.S.
(I don't think we're doing it to "forestall" military action, we're doing it to weaken them further before attacking them. )
Bloomberg: Only Strength Guarantees Security: Netanyahu
NYT: In Afghan War, Officer Becomes a Whistle-Blower
Guardian: Syria resolution vetoed by Russia and China at United Nations
Polo Club Palm Beach founder John Goodman, 48, adopted his longtime partner Heather Laruso Hutchins in October, The Palm Beach Post reports.
The strategy could shore up Goodman's wealth as he confronts a wrongful death lawsuit filed by the parents of Scott Patrick Wilson, The Associated Press says. Wilson was killed in 2010 when Goodman allegedly ran a stop sign. The trial begins March 27.
Oh, and this just in! Here's RJ's post at FDL!
FDL: recent housing prices & policy, the january unemployment report, et al
Much thanks to RJ at the Global Glass Onion and the Ozarker at Conflicted Doomer for their help today!
Also, a friend from one of the forums tried to make a donation and found the donate button didn't work. I checked it and it worked for me, but when hub got home and he checked, it didn't work for him either.
Is anyone else having this problem?
I even reinstalled the paypal button but it's still not working for hub.
I use firefox and he was using safari and chrome, he downloaded firefox and tried it and it still didn't work.
Guess I'll email paypal today and see what they say. If anyone here has any ideas please post them in the comment section or email me.
Hosted: AFP: US ex-diplomat pulls no punches on Japan — US diplomats typically are unfailingly polite and reverential towards their countries of expertise and, upon retirement, go away quietly into research or business. Not so with Kevin Maher. Since he was unceremoniously removed from his position last year, the veteran US diplomat on Japan has gone on the offensive with biting criticism on issues from Tokyo's political paralysis to the Fukushima nuclear disaster.
GriffithReview: What does Fukushima mean?
Global Conflict
Time: Massacre in Syria: Reports of Hundreds Killed in Homs, While Diplomats Fiddle at the U.N.
McClatchy: Taliban responsible for 77% of civilian casualties in Afghanistan, U.N. says
RawStory: Cash-strapped Europe struggles to up military might
WashingtonPost: Egypt to prosecute Americans in NGO probe
JerusalemPost: Iran warns neighbors not to facilitate strike against it
McClatchy: Three more Tibetans immolate themselves in apparent protest
RawStory: U.S. to move 4,700 Marines from Japan to Guam: reports
Reuters: Iran threatens to hit any country used to attack its soil
VOA: Russia, China Defend Syria Resolution Veto, US Calls Move 'Travesty'
CBBSNews; Syria forces pound opposition; 33 killed
Iran Sanctions Plan Targets Oil Companies, Tanker Fleet to Slash Business - A U.S. proposal to sanction Iran’s state-owned oil company and its main tanker fleet may ensnare any person or business in the world involved in purchasing or shipping Iranian oil. Proponents say hobbling the oil revenue of Iran, the No. 2 producer in the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, is the best way to forestall military action by Israel or the U.S.
(I don't think we're doing it to "forestall" military action, we're doing it to weaken them further before attacking them. )
Bloomberg: Only Strength Guarantees Security: Netanyahu
NYT: In Afghan War, Officer Becomes a Whistle-Blower
Guardian: Syria resolution vetoed by Russia and China at United Nations
GlobeandMail: Egypt’s decision to try foreign workers strains ties with U.S.
LAT: Egypt says 19 Americans will be ordered to stand trial - The workers for U.S. based pro-democracy groups, including Sam LaHood, son of Cabinet official Ray LaHood, are accused of violating foreign funding laws.
GlobeAndMail: A decade after going to war in Afghanistan, the wins are fading
IBTimes: Ban on Crude-Oil Sales Will Not Stall Nuclear Program: Iran
LAT: Egypt says 19 Americans will be ordered to stand trial - The workers for U.S. based pro-democracy groups, including Sam LaHood, son of Cabinet official Ray LaHood, are accused of violating foreign funding laws.
GlobeAndMail: A decade after going to war in Afghanistan, the wins are fading
IBTimes: Ban on Crude-Oil Sales Will Not Stall Nuclear Program: Iran
MSNBC: Months after his death, Libyan leader's weapons arm a rebel movement in Africa
After fighting for Qaddafi as he struggled to stay in power, Tuaregs helped themselves to sophisticated weaponry before returning to Mali
After fighting for Qaddafi as he struggled to stay in power, Tuaregs helped themselves to sophisticated weaponry before returning to Mali
SeattleTimes: Obama: US in 'lockstep' with Israel on Iran nukes - President Barack Obama says the United States is working in "lockstep" with Israel to solve the brewing crisis over Iran's disputed nuclear program.
WAMU: Police Clear Tents From Occupy DC's McPherson Camp
WashingtonExaminer: Police confront Occupiers, tear down tents
Domestic Financial News
IBTimes: ET, the New Alien Scaring Global MarketsZerohedge: Freddie Mac Mortgage Predator | Alan Boyce on Inverse Floaters
BusinessInsider: Oops! It Looks Like Crashed From Everyone Trying To Figure Out What The Hell Lucas Oil Is
ETFDailyNews: The 2008 Financial Crisis Was Nothing Compared To What Lies Ahead
NYT: Deal Is Closer for a U.S. Plan on Mortgage Relief
EconoBrowser: Economic conditions improving
ISM: Institute for Supply Management announced that its PMI manufacturing composite index rose to 54.1 for January, its highest value since June. A reading above 50 signals that more establishments experienced improvements than saw deterioration in key measures during January, and a value above 52.7 is a weak indicator of above-average real GDP growth. ISM's non-manufacturing index came in with an even stronger reading of 56.8.
CreditWritedowns: Jobs data highlight huge potential for capital loss in Treasuries
Krugman: Things Are Not O.K.
NakedCapitalism: Quelle Surprise! New York and California Attorneys General Look Ready to Sign on to Mortgage Settlement
RealityCheck: Seeing Through Team Obama’s False Talking Points On the Latest Bank Giveaway
Bloomberg: American Foreclosure Hits Bottom With Tower Auction in Atlanta -The U.S. foreclosure crisis has risen to new heights. Atlanta’s 55-story Bank of America Plaza, the tallest tower in the Southeast, is set to be sold at an open outcry auction on the steps of the Fulton County Courthouse tomorrow after landlord BentleyForbes missed mortgage payments.
PoliticalCalculations: Teens Still "Most Screwed Over" - Now that the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has updated its overall count of the number of employed Americans to incorporate data recorded by the 2010 U.S. Census, with a corresponding surge of 847,000 in the number of individuals counted as being employed in January 2012 as compared to December 2011, we thought we would ask the question: "How well are teens really doing in the U.S. economy?" The answer: "They're still the most screwed over...."
Zerohedge: Explaining Yesterday's Seasonally Adjusted Nonfarm Payroll "Beat"
ETFDailyNews: U.S. States Prepare For Hyperinflation
McClatchy: As debit card fees disappear, banks look for ways to recoup revenue
CalculatedRisk: The Housing Bottom is Here
Global Financial News
FuelFix: Greece in last-minute austerity talks
Zerohedge: How Europe Has Evolved From A Democracy To A Bankocracy And Why Austerity Will Lead To Chaos
CharlesHughSmith: When Greece Defaults, the Credit Default Swap Dominoes Fall
Tutor2U: China bans its airlines from paying EU carbon tax
FT: Greece takes step closer to default - Lucas Papademos, the Greek premier, failed to make party leaders accept harsh terms in return for a second €130bn bail-out, pushing Athens closer to a disorderly default as early as next month.
YanisVaroufakis: Is Greece still viable? (Is Europe?)
CreditWritedowns: Euro Dragged Lower on Greece Uncertainty
WSJ: World’s Priciest Pigeon Goes for $328,000 - Wealthy Chinese have been snapping up contemporary art, top wines and some the world’s most expensive cars. Now they’re adding pigeons to their must-have list.
NYT: Greece Agrees to Harsh New Spending Cuts as Lenders Ratchet Up the Pressure
Guardian: Who to blame for the Great Recession? So many big names are in the frame - Fred Goodwin lost his knighthood but the global financial crisis was not all his fault – and the list of those who erred is long
The Colt will no longer be made in Europe
BBC: Mitsubishi to close European plant - Japanese car maker Mitsubishi Motors is to end production at its only plant in Western Europe
MSNBC: Europe may shake up Wall Street's quiet week
With little on economic calendar domestically, attention will again focus on Eurozone
Peak Oil and Energy News
EnergyBulletin: That falling feeling: Shale gas estimates continue downward
NBER: Prospects for Nuclear Power
Mish: Huge Plunge In Petroleum and Gasoline Usage - Inquiring minds are watching a plunge in Petroleum Distillates and Gasoline usage.
TampaBayOnline: Landowners fight eminent domain in Pa. gas field - A pipeline operator assured federal regulators it would minimize using eminent domain against private landowners if given approval to lay a 39-mile natural gas pipeline in northern Pennsylvania's pristine Endless Mountains. Yet the company was readying condemnation papers against dozens of landowners even as the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission was considering its application for the $250 million MARC 1 pipeline. Within two days of winning approval, Central New York Oil & Gas Co., LLC went to court to condemn nearly half the properties along the pipeline's route - undercutting part of the regulatory commission's approval rationale and angering landowners who are now fighting the company in court.
TheOilDrum: Gas Boom Goes Bust
SeattletTimes: FACT CHECK: Obama, GOP spin recent energy stats
You wouldn't know it from the Republicans, but these are boom times for American energy.
And you wouldn't know it from President Barack Obama, but he has very little to do with that.Reuters: Insight: Oil industry sees no threat from electric car
Reuters: US bill would block export of Keystone fuels - Democrats say bill would ensure Keystone benefits US
CommodityOnlineNews: Is US Mint gold coin January sales signal return to fundamental driven demand?
ETFDailyNews: Why The Financial Times Is Wrong With Their Bearish Call On Gold Prices
CNN: Aftershocks rattle Philippines; quake death toll climbs to 12 ScientificAmerican: Russian Scientists Poised to be First to Reach Ice-Buried Antarctic Lake
ExtinctionProtocol: Italy crippled by winter storm; snow in Naples - February 5, 2012 – ROME – A winter storm battered much of Italy, bringing arctic temperatures to the north and snow as far south as Naples
CNNVideo: Rino horn bust in Hong Kong
InTheseTimes: U.S. Military Toxins: The Gift That Keeps on Killing
A tragic history of pollution continues in Iraq and Afghanistan.
WSJ: The Problem With Going Green DesmoBlog: Warren Buffett Exposed: The Oracle of Omaha and the Tar Sands
Guardian: Bill Gates backs climate scientists lobbying for large-scale geoengineering - A small group of leading climate scientists, financially supported by billionaires including Bill Gates, are lobbying governments and international bodies to back experiments into manipulating the climate on a global scale to avoid catastrophic climate change.
CNN: In Mauritania, sunny with a chance of locusts
CNN: Australian authorities urge residents of Queensland town to flee floods
LAT: Sacrificing the desert to save the Earth - Environmentalists are torn over the high cost of breaking reliance on fossil fuels. Public comment has been sought, but insiders are calling the shots. for some reason, this next story makes me feel like crying.
PopSci: Antarctica's Frozen Lake Vostok, Isolated for 20 Million Years, Breached By Russian Drills
DeclineoftheEmpire: The Sixth Extinction — Maya Lin's What Is Missing?
McClatchy: The science behind storm chasing
LAT: Sacrificing the desert to save the Earth - Environmentalists are torn over the high cost of breaking reliance on fossil fuels. Public comment has been sought, but insiders are calling the shots. for some reason, this next story makes me feel like crying.
PopSci: Antarctica's Frozen Lake Vostok, Isolated for 20 Million Years, Breached By Russian Drills
DeclineoftheEmpire: The Sixth Extinction — Maya Lin's What Is Missing?
McClatchy: The science behind storm chasing
America in Decline
Evidently Canada is in decline too!
Cryptogon: Canada: Man Sends Text Message Urging Colleagues to ‘Blow Away’ the Competition at Trade Show, Has Life Turned Upside Down as Government Launches Terrorism Investigation
DeclineoftheEmpire: The Rapture (And The Left Behind)
BlacklistedNews: The United States: Second Most Incarcerated State in History & First Country To Report More Male Rape Victims Than Female
BlacklistedNews: Chris Hedges “Brace Yourself! The American Empire Is Over & The Descent Is Going To Be Horrifying!”
CreditWritedowns: Is US democracy being bought and sold?
Statesman: Many Texans earn low pay, hold few assetsMcClatchy: Texans are among biggest presidential campaign donors (I just thought this one went well with the one above. Funny isn't it?)
Kunstler: All Screaming Id, No Brains, No Honor
Kunstler: All Screaming Id, No Brains, No Honor
Food and Water
DesdemonaDespair: Texas drought forces a town to sip from a truck – 13 public water systems projected to run out of water in 180 days or less
BlacklistedNews: Genetically Modified Foods Not Served in Monsanto Cafeteria
CommodityOnline: Sugar to average 22 4 cents lb in H1 12 and 23 85 cents lb in H2 12: Barclays
Bloomberg: Era of Falling Food Prices Seen at End on Growth in Population - The era of falling food prices has come to an end with the world population set to add another 2 billion people, according to Cargill Inc., the U.S. farm commodities trader.
Internet and Online Privacy News
TechReview: A New Net
(this next article sent in by the Ozarker kind of gives us a whiff of what's coming for the internet, enjoy what little freedom and privacy you have left, while you can)
MSNBC: Most radicalism linked to Internet, say UK lawmakers - Service providers must fight spread of extremism, says a report — but privacy is a concern
BlacklistedNews: The State of US Surveillance
MSNBC: Google, Facebook remove content on India's order - A court directive warned the Internet giants of a crackdown "like China" if they did not take steps to protect religious sensibilities
MSNBC: Google, Facebook remove content on India's order - A court directive warned the Internet giants of a crackdown "like China" if they did not take steps to protect religious sensibilities
Science and Technology
ScientificAmerican: Human Waste-Powered Robots May Be Future of Machines
RedditScience: Surface of Mars an unlikely place for life after 600-million-year drought, say scientists
PhotoblogMSNBC: Crazy colors from the Red PlanetComputerWorld: German gov’t endorses Chrome as most secure browser
ANN: Subway excavations yield countless treasures
ScientificAmerican: Bright-Sized: Skull Study Shows Eye-Sockets Have Grown Larger at Higher Latitudes
Medical and Health
NewScientist: Silver packs a punch as chemotherapy drug
ExtinctionProtocol: Is New York’s mysterious ‘twitching’ neurological condition spreading?
McClatchy: Prescription for disaster: Methadone, misery and one man’s mission
CNN: Unraveling the mystery of consciousness
MSNBC: Green tea could be secret to healthy old age, study suggests
TheChart: Sexual activity and STD rate up among seniors
Maine Governor LePage backs nation's toughest Medicaid cuts
TheChart: Sexual activity and STD rate up among seniors
Maine Governor LePage backs nation's toughest Medicaid cuts
ExtinctionProtocol: Pestilence watch: Culling ordered after H5N1 virus discovered in Nepal and India
Doomsteading, Gardening, Urban Farming
CSMonitor: Super Bowl ad makes New York Mayor Bloomberg gun control king
BackdoorSurvival: The Six Enemies of Food Storage
Cryptogon: Lodge Logic Skillet
ModernSurvival: Tuna Fish Canned in Oil or Water?
CityFarmer: City of Minneapolis proposed city amendment provides potential for urban farming
CanadianDoomer: Questions from the Madman
PreppingToSurvive: 5 Home Security Measures that Don’t Need Electricity
Other News
LegitGov: Worker at Calif. nuclear plant fell into reactor pool last week
CBSNews: Navy says 8 sailors discharged for hazing
ExtinctionProtocol: UK town search for source of mysterious radio interferences
Spiegel: A Revised Portrait of Hungary’s Right-Wing Extremists - The leader of Hungary's right-wing extremists rarely expresses himself so clearly. Speaking before a crowd of a few thousand supporters in Budapest's Sportmax complex on Saturday, Jan. 21, Gábor Vona announced the end of liberal democracy in the world. In the speech traditionally delivered before party members in January, the 33-year-old politician demanded "no compromising" either with or as part of the ruling political system, calling instead for "fighting, fighting and still more fighting." "We are not communists, fascists or National Socialists," Vona said. "But -- and this is important for everyone to understand very clearly -- we are also not democrats!" Though largely ignored by the national media, Hungary's right-wing extremist Jobbik party operates within a surprisingly well-developed and self-sustained online universe. What's more, recent studies have found that the party's supporters aren't the "losers" that many experts thought they were.
BusinessInsider: Here's The REAL Story Behind Newt Gingrich's Latest Collapse
NYT: Indiana Secretary of State Guilty of Voter Fraud
USAToday: Mitt Romney wins Nevada GOP caucuses
RawStory: Oops: CNN host calls Romney ‘Governor Mormon’
WelcometoPottersville2: Rmoney Isn't Concerned About Poor (As If We Actually Thought He Was and Needed More Evidence)
Alternet: Are Conservatives More Fearful Than Liberals?
RawStory: Trump takes credit for Romney’s Nevada win
TinfoilPalace: Juicing Marijuana! New Medicine Technique
TinfoilPalace: Capitalism 'nothing to do with responsibility'
TheOilAge: Kurt Cobb: shale gas estimates revised further downward
TheOilAge: 'No Fly Zone' Over Syria Imminent
HubbertsArms: What if the lights go out? (Must read doomer piece in the msm)
SilentCountry: Ha-Ha! Struggling Bank of America May Liquidate All of Its Real
SilentCountry: Georgia Birther Case Is Over
TheOilAge: Kurt Cobb: shale gas estimates revised further downward
TheOilAge: 'No Fly Zone' Over Syria Imminent
HubbertsArms: What if the lights go out? (Must read doomer piece in the msm)
SilentCountry: Ha-Ha! Struggling Bank of America May Liquidate All of Its Real
SilentCountry: Georgia Birther Case Is Over
Hi Pam
ReplyDeleteThe donation page came up OK when I clicked on it just now.
I do my bit for the cause myself so not donating.
They could be restricting donations by IP address linked to location so if TPTB decided they want to restrict donation in the USA they could ask PayPal to do so.
I have started looking seriously at the dark net perhaps you have heard of TOR, the latest idea is i2p2 google it.
Basically you run a server / router through your PC and the traffic of others on the network is hidden by tunneling through yours and every other person on the network, in theory it is better than TOR as it is seamless i.e. from your PC the data is already in a tunnel.
You can also host a website directly from your server / router.
If you are going to try this you should also make sure you have good security on your PC i.e. run the server as the normal user (or separate account with even lower privileges) while admin functions are run from an Admin. account.
I will let you know how I get on it takes awhile for the tunnels to get built up between your server and the existing servers / routers on the network so leaving it on 24/7 for a few days before trying to set up my blog in the "dark net".
There are other payment systems like bitcoins or Russian foreign exchange systems, investigating now.
Here is the link for ip2p:
and TOR
La Curee, thanks so much for the links and for the comments. I'd like to hear more on this topic and hope people will begin now to find alternatives while they still can. The internet as we have come to know and love it is under attack it seems and in maybe as little as 3 or 4 years, we won't recognize it.
ReplyDeletethanks again,
Yes to all that.
ReplyDeleteThe fight has been on the last few days its seems Stacy from the Keiser Report was reporting problems and Turd Ferguson - so we are in good company :)
Thanks for the great intro, pam! (pam helped me early on by starting a separate poetry thread at LATOC. Thanks again! :) )
ReplyDeleteWhen I want catch up on the news,
pammie’s blog is the one that I choose;
It’s there I peruse
Doom’s cutting edge views
As we’re rowed on our Styx river cruise.
See people! what'd I tell you! Ben Rocks!
ReplyDeleteyou know Ben, us womens love poetry. hehehe
and La Curee, yes, that's good company indeed. :D
Update on Turds site, recent comments by an admin suggest most of their problems were caused by google web bots due to the sites popularity, well who knows can we trust google I think not, also his site is hosted commercially and the bandwidth for web bots can be adjusted.
ReplyDeleteAlso some recent Kunstler: